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Advanced Financial Accounting FIN-611

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1 Advanced Financial Accounting FIN-611
Mian Ahmad Farhan Lecture-25 IASB Frame-work

2 IASB Frame-work

3 International Accounting Standard Board

4 Financial Statements Balance sheet Income statement
Statement of changes in equity Cash-flow statement Notes

5 Financial Statements Balance sheet Financial position Income statement
Financial performance Statement of changes in equity Movement In different heads of owner’s equity Cash-flow statement Movement in cash inflow and cash outflow Notes Significant accounting policies and explanatory notes

6 Qualitative Characteristics of Financial Statements

7 Going concern The entity will continue its operations for the foreseeable future and there is no intention to liquidate or significantly curtail its operations.

8 Accrual base Incomes and expenditures arenot measured at the
amount of cash received or paid during the year but for incomes the measurement bases are earning and for expenses measurement bases are incurrence. These are recorded in the accounting record and reported in the financial statement for the period to which they relate.

9 Materiality Information is material when its omission or misstatement could change the decisions of users.

10 Qualitative Check Materiality Relevancy Reliability Comparability
Understanding Qualitative characteristics that make financial information useful Qualitative characteristics that make financial presentation useful

11 Relevancy The financial statement are relevant for decision making
Purpose for the use of financial statement. Values to be relevant Predictive value Confirmative value

12 Reliability How much faithfully the financial statement representing
the transaction.

13 Five Characteristics of Reliability
Faithful representation Substance over form Neutralability Prudence Completeness

14 Constraints / Limitations relating to Relevancy & Reliability
Timeliness Balance between the benefit and cost Balance among the different characteristics

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