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Europe after WWII Physically destroyed Widespread famine

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1 Europe after WWII Physically destroyed Widespread famine
Governments physically, financially, and emotionally unable to reconstruct United Nations created to replace the League of Nations Europe after WWII

2 The Yalta Conference Held in February 1945, when the war not yet officially over Leaders present: FDR (USA), Churchill (GB), and Stalin (Soviet Union) Decisions: Germany and the capital city of Berlin were divided into 4 zones, each occupied by an allied country Stalin promised free elections in the Eastern European countries the USSR occupied USSR joined war against Japan USSR would join United Nations FDR Churchill Stalin

3 The Potsdam Conference
Held in July 1945 when war had ended Leaders present: Truman (USA), Atlee (GB), Stalin (Soviet Union) The only leader who had now been at both conferences was Stalin and he felt he had the upper hand because of it Stalin refused to allow free elections in Eastern Europe, which he had promised at Yalta Countries agreed to take reparations from their zone within Germany Truman convinced the US and the Soviet Union were now at odds Truman Atlee Stalin

4 The Iron Curtain Term for division of Europe
Democratic Western Europe vs. Communist Eastern Europe

5 The Cold War 1945 – 1991 Conflict between the U.S. and the Soviet Union in which neither nation directly confronted each other on the battlefield

6 Origins of the Cold War Soviet Union United States Totalitarian
After WWII, the United States and Soviet Union represented very different fundamental values. Origins of the Cold War Soviet Union Totalitarian Communist Controlled Eastern Europe to protect itself United States Democratic Free Market (Capitalist) economy Believed countries should choose their own leaders

7 U.S. Foreign Policy: Containment
Keep communism from spreading Key foreign policy of US until end of USSR in 1991 Applied to Europe first (Greece & Turkey), then Middle East, Asia, Latin America, and Africa later

8 Truman Doctrine US believed communism would infiltrate areas of Europe that were weakened by war US prepared to use any means necessary to contain communism

9 Two Sides are Formed NATO Warsaw Pact Created in response To NATO
(North Atlantic Treaty Organization) Soviet Union & Eastern European countries US and Western European countries Created in response To NATO

10 The Marshall Plan MARSHALL = MONEY $$ European Recovery Program
Created to combat the negative economic impacts of WWII Named after George C. Marshall (Truman’s Secretary of State) 2 major goals: Prevent spread of communism to Western Europe Stabilize nations to allow for democracy and free-market economy MARSHALL = MONEY $$

11 Effects of the Marshall Plan
Aided 22 European nations Assisted American businesses by opening up European markets Stabilized European politics Helped W. European nations resist communism

12 Division of Germany and Berlin
West Germany & West Berlin Democratic Occupied by United States Great Britain France East Germany & East Berlin Communist Occupied by Soviet Union

13 The Berlin Wall ( )

14 The Berlin Wall ( )

15 The Berlin Airlift Stalin cut off access to Berlin
2.1 million people cut off US & GB attempted to break the blockade by flying in food & supplies to West Berlin 327 days; 277,000 flights; 2.3 million tons of supplies Food, fuel, medicine, Christmas presents

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