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Presentation on theme: "ACCOMMODATIONS update."— Presentation transcript:


2 ACCOMMODATIONS update 1 2 3 4

3 1 2 3 4

4 different 1 2 3 4

5 Disability 1 2 3 4

6 “special needs and disabilities”
Accommodations Manual

7 a student with an identified disability who receives special education services and meets established eligibility criteria for certain accommodations (ARD committee decision) a student with an identified disability who receives Section 504 services and meets established eligibility criteria for certain accommodations (Section 504 placement committee decision) a student with a disabling condition who does not receive special education or Section 504 services but meets established eligibility criteria for certain accommodations (campus level team decision)

8 triangle 1 2 3 4


10 optional 1 2 3 4


12 Formerly eleven testing accommodations
Any student, based on his or her needs Campus level team decision Is not recorded on answer document

13 ACCOMMODATIONS update different Disability triangle optional 1 2 3 4

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