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“What to Expect on Concert Day” Visual Support Board

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Presentation on theme: "“What to Expect on Concert Day” Visual Support Board"— Presentation transcript:

1 “What to Expect on Concert Day” Visual Support Board

2 Welcome to the McCoy Center!

3 After you purchase tickets or stop at WILL CALL to pick up tickets, you will walk down this hallway to the auditorium. Bathrooms are located on the right at the end of the hallway. WILL CALL

4 If you would like to try an instrument or make a craft, you can do this in the lobby before you go to your seat in the concert hall.

5 You will enter the concert hall through these doors
You will enter the concert hall through these doors. An usher will take your ticket and show you to your seat.

6 When you enter the hall, you can choose to sit upstairs or downstairs.
If you choose to sit upstairs, you can get there by going up either set of stairs to the left or right of the entrance to the hall, or by the elevator located right behind the stairs in this photo.

7 The concert will start at 2:00 p. m
The concert will start at 2:00 p.m. The orchestra’s Executive Director, Heather Garner will welcome everyone, and then the Concertmaster will tune the orchestra. The show will begin once the orchestra is tuned. Some musicians will be near the audience on the sides and some musicians will be underneath the stage in the pit.

8 Maestro Luis Biava will take the podium and he will say hello before the show begins – you can say hello by waving!

9 Today we are performing Sleeping Beauty with the New Albany Children’s Ballet Theatre.

10 The performance will feature dancers on stage and musicians in the orchestra pit below the stage. Come say hello and take a look at the instruments before the performance! The performance is one hour in length. Feel free to stay for as long as you like!

11 When the performance is over, you can clap and say bravo to let the performers know how much you liked it!

12 Thank you for coming to our concert. We hope to see you again soon!
We would like to say a special thank you to everyone that helps us make these concerts possible, and especially our partner, PNC Arts Alive. If you had a great experience today, we love when you tell your friends. 

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