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Lawmakers are People Too

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Presentation on theme: "Lawmakers are People Too"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lawmakers are People Too
(Picked by other people… to represent the will of… you guessed it… the people!) TEXT I removed the image as it may be too “heteronormative” This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC

2 What do you have in common? What do you know about him/her?
The Power of Influence What do you have in common? Constituent [you live in the same community] What do you know about him/her? Top Interests Top Influencers Community involvement Who you do know that they know? What might they need (to know)? You can’t be an expert at everything.

3 Information Discovery
Doing Your Homework Pathways of Influence A way to uncover connections Helps build a strategy for influencing Information Discovery Google Social Media Websites Legislature Website Other Websites (Board of Elections, etc.)

4 Here’s an example from Idaho!
Scott Bedke Speaker of the House

5 Do your own pathways of influence research
Try it Out Do your own pathways of influence research

6 Sharing What did you learn? What surprised you? How do you think you can use this?

7 [Non-lobbying efforts]
It’s Time to Educate [Non-lobbying efforts]

8 Non-lobbying Activities
Become the go-to resource on this issue Engage other community partners and individuals Offer a field trip Meet in-district Educate via media/social media Meet at the legislature What are your ideas?

9 Preparations Determine attendees Sharing your story

10 Elements of a Non-lobbying Legislative Meeting
Welcome and Introductions Share your issue and story Ask open ended questions (take notes) Assess needs Give leave behind Close with a thank you (collect business cards) Next step: send a thank you note and follow up issue information

11 Discussion

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