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Motivation Estimation of travel time of water molecules (Transit-Time Distribution) from Rainfall to Outlet needs gauged river location for effective precipitation.

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2 Motivation Estimation of travel time of water molecules (Transit-Time Distribution) from Rainfall to Outlet needs gauged river location for effective precipitation estimation Transit-Time Distribution is a lumped characteristic of the catchment Hypothesis Use one gauged river location to derive effective precipitation Assume a constant effective precipitation in a small catchment Use this effective precipitation time series for ungauged river locations with tracer time series (d18O, d2H) to derive Transit-Time Distributions 1. Mai 2019

3 TRANSEP Isotopes Precipitation MEASURED RESULT
(actually a calibration) Transit Time Distributions (TTD) Weiler et. al (2003), How does rainfall become runoff? A combined tracer and runoff transfer function approach, Water Resources Research Isotopes & hydrograph 1. Mai 2019

4 TERENO Test-Site: Wüstebach (38 ha)
Outlet (gauged) Points 1 – 16: Isotope tracer data Assumption: peff = spatially invariable 1. Mai 2019

5 Hydrograph Simulation
Simulation of whole hydrograph time series Qobs Qsim Summer: Overestimation Winter: Underestimation Precipitation Time of Isotope Sampling 1. Mai 2019

6 Riparian Zone – Hillslope Hypothesis
Winter Summer Rosenbaum et. al (2012), Seasonal and event dynamics of spatial soil moisture patterns at the small catchment scale, Water Resources Research SoilNet - Nodes grafik machen mit SWC-abfluss (so wie PENNA) 1. Mai 2019

7 Soil Water Content – Runoff Relationship
Penna et. al (2011), The influence of soil moisture on threshold runoff generation processes in an alpine headwater catchment, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 1. Mai 2019

8 Hydrograph Simulation
1. Mai 2019

9 Riparian Zone – Hillslope Hypothesis
Hydrologically-Active Residual Area (HARA) peff RMSE RMSE low plateau peff start of decline Area 4-5 ha 1. Mai 2019

10 Response Time Distributions
Mean Response Time [days] Summer 2009 (9) & 2010 (6) Winter 2009/10 (21) & 2010/11 (19) Summer 2011 (81) 1. Mai 2019

11 TRANSEP – Isotope Simulation
1. Mai 2019

12 Isotope Simulation d18O Obs d18O Sim d18O Rain peff 1. Mai 2019

13 Conclusions Hydrograph simulation with TRANSEP indicates that the runoff active-catchment area changes with season During Winter months the full catchment (38 ha) is active, whereas during Summer only appr. 13% (4-5 ha) of the catchment remains active Due to this change in runoff active-catchment area, the slow runoff component reacts faster to precipitation in Summer than in Winter Taking these points into account allows for succesful modelling of non-event isotope tracer time series and determination of Transit-Time Distrubtions Next step: Modelling of all ungauged isotope tracer sampling locations and spatial analysis 1. Mai 2019

14 Thank you for your attention.
Terrestrial Environmental Observatories Eifel/Niederrheinische Bucht More information and data at TR 32 – Subproject C1 Acknowledgements to Transregional Collaborative Research Centre 32 (TR32) More information at 1. Mai 2019

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