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December 24th – January 7th

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1 December 24th – January 7th
Second Grade December 3 - 7 Important Dates: December 14th $1 Hat Day December 20th Holiday party 12:15 – 1:00 (See attached letter – please RSVP) December 21st Polar Express Day – wear PJs! *Early release at 12:00pm* December 24th – January 7th Winter Break Goals for this week: Math We will tell time using the terms quarter-to, half-past and quarter-past in both digital and analog times. I will tell time to the minute and use the terms quarter-to, half-past and quarter-past. Reading We will identify and retell how information is connected across books. I will notice similarities and differences across book to grow my knowledge on a topic. Writing We will use a checklist to edit our informational book. I will use my strategies that I have learned to spell tricky words correctly. Science We will understand that weather follows a predictable pattern. I will use weather tools to learn about the weather, graph data, and describe weather patterns. Social Studies We will identify the significance of various ethnic and/or cultural celebrations. I will explore traditions and celebrations from around the world. Word Work We will decode words with final /ng/ and /nk/. I will spell words with final /ng/ and /nk/. Practice cursive handwriting when you have extra time at home! Follow us on Twitter @HaddenPreston2 @Herbert2ndGrade @MaurerPreston2 @hhaleypreston2 @AMcC2ndPreston Reminders Homework: Read every night for 20 mins. With the weather cooling down, please be sure that your child brings a jacket/coat daily (with his/her name in it)! We are working on Math Fact fluency – please practice at home using flash cards or the flash card link on the 2nd gr website! If you plan to attend the Winter Party, don’t forget to RSVP to your child’s teacher. Preston Pride

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