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What are pictographs?.

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Presentation on theme: "What are pictographs?."— Presentation transcript:

1 What are pictographs?

2 A pictograph is like a bar graph
A pictograph is like a bar graph. Instead of bars, pictographs use pictures to represent data. The pictures usually have a connection to the data. Let’s look at a pictograph.

3 This pictograph shows how many millions of tons of flour a company sold…

4 …each month from January to May.

5 The pictograph uses bags of flour to represent the flour sold
The pictograph uses bags of flour to represent the flour sold. Here we see the data for January…

6 …February…

7 …March…

8 …April…

9 …and May.

10 Look at the bar for April. There are three whole bags and one half bag.

11 This tells us that the company sold three and a half million tons of flour.

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