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Presentation on theme: "輸出動作與輸入命令相同."— Presentation transcript:

1 輸出動作與輸入命令相同

2 工作圖

3 //#include <stdio.h> //呼叫stdio(標準輸入輸出)指令巨集
//#define FCY #include <p30F4011.h> //呼叫p30F3011(IC)指令巨集 #include <timer.h> #include <math.h> unsigned int icount=0; double v1=0.0,v2=0.0,e_new=0.0,e_old=0.0,d_new=0.0,d_old=0.0,kp=1.0,ki=100.0; _FWDT(WDT_OFF); void PWM_Initial(void) { PTPER = 1250; //PWM = (10MHz / (2000)) = 5 KHz IEC2bits.PWMIE = 0; //Disable PWM Interrupt PTCON = 0xA008; // 0b PWMCON1 = 0x0777; // 0b PDC1=0; OVDCON= 0x0100; //設定輸出腳位 IPC9bits.PWMIP = 7; }

4 void Init_Timer1( void )
{ T1CON = 0; IFS0bits.T1IF = 0; IPC0bits.T1IP = 7; IEC0bits.T1IE = 1; PR1 = 5000; // 20MHz/8/5000=500Hz 中斷為2ms T1CONbits.TCS = 0; T1CONbits.TCKPS=1; //TCKPS<1:0>: Timer Input Clock Prescale Select bits //11 = 1:256 prescale value //10 = 1:64 prescale value //01 = 1:8 prescale value //00 = 1:1 prescale value T1CONbits.TON=1; } void _ISR _ADCInterrupt(void) IFS0bits.ADIF = 0 ; // 1 = Interrupt request has occurred // 0 = Interrupt request has not occurred while (!ADCON1bits.DONE ); // wait for end of conversion // 1 = A/D conversion is done // 0 = A/D conversion is NOT done ADCON1bits.DONE = 0;

5 void ADC10_Initial(void)
{ ADPCFG = 0xfffc; // 0B // 1 = Analog input pin in Digital mode // 0 = Analog input pin in Analog mode ADCON1 = 0x00EE; // 0b ADCON2 = 0x043C; // 0b ADCON3 = 0x1F3F; // 0b ADCSSL = 0xFFFF; // no scan input selected ADCHS = 0x0000 ; IEC0bits.ADIE = 1 ; // Disable AD interrupt // IPC2bits.ADIP = 7 ; // Set Priority to 7 >> highest !! ADCON1bits.ADON = 1; // turn ADC ON }

6 void _ISR _T1Interrupt(void)
{ v1=ADCBUF0 & 0x3ff; v2=ADCBUF1 & 0x3ff; e_old=e_new; d_old=d_new; e_new=(v1-v2)*1.0; d_new=d_old+kp*(e_new-e_old)+ki*0.001*e_new; if(d_new>2500.0) d_new=2500.0; else if(d_new<0.0) d_new=0.0; PDC1=d_new; IFS0bits.T1IF = 0; } int main(void) TRISB = 0x0003; ADC10_Initial( ); Init_Timer1(); PWM_Initial(); while(1);

7 作業 改變輸出或輸入的倍率

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