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Ocean Color Algorithm working Group

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1 Ocean Color Algorithm working Group
ZhongPing Lee

2 The objectives: 1. Algorithm cross comparisons
2. Algorithm recommendations 3. Report on algorithm progress The algorithm here is the mathematic processes that using water color as input to derive in-water properties. As we all aware, there are many issues regarding algorithm activities.

3 Major issues regarding algorithm activities:
1) there are many algorithms; 2) many of them are empirical; 3) many of them are only partially tested/validated; 4) limited/no common ground for cross comparison. IOCCG Report #3, Page 117: … desirable to set up an international data base …, with free and easy access to all interested researchers, … To address these issues, we need community effort.

4 This OCAG plan to do: 1. “To assemble data from field measurements” Link/merge with SIMBIOS data slowly; measurement error, .. !2. “To synthesize data based on known relations” IOCCG/agents support? .. Before we get to why we want to do these, let me briefly review what is already done. 3. Algorithm cross-comparison/evaluation !4. A place to store data/algorithm software, .. A webpage under IOCCG

5 For [chl], cross comparison/evaluation has been performed, and operational algorithms have been suggested. However, this comparison was focused on [chl] concentrations. Why we want to compare others? (O’Reilly et al. 1998) Only limited comparison/validation for other properties.

6 Traditional color data flow scheme:
[chl] algorithms many are empirical! color IOP, [chl] Historically, we need [chl] for the estimation of other properties and primary production. So, in the past and today, tremendous work has been focused on how to get [chl] directly from color. auxi. PP, …

7 . From Ocean Optics theory, Multi-variant, two-step control! [chl] [G]
less understood better understood [chl] [G] [S] . 1 2 IOP, .. color Before we get into color inversion, it is necessary to know how color is formed. Each step has its own variations. Multi-variant, two-step control!

8 . A true inversion looks like: Multi-variant, non-linear problem!
[chl] [G] [S] . IOP, .. color [chl] color Then it is not that hard to know one-step inversion includes all intrinsic variations. It is time to change the one-step approach to two-steps approach. Empirical algorithms do not help us understand the science. Empirical algorithms do not help in error analysis. Traditional one-step inversion.

9 The limitations of one-step inversion are clear:
One-step empirical algorithms do not help us understand ocean-optics mechanism, and harder to diagnose the error sources.

10 . . Two-step inversion: [chl] [G] [S] 1 2 IOP, .. color easier,
harder, less accurate easier, more accurate [chl] [G] [S] . 1 2 IOP, .. color Light field Heat transfer PP . auxi.

11 This OCAG will focus on algorithms for the IOPs.

12 1. Algorithm cross comparisons 2. Algorithm recommendations
After we have: 1. assembled data from field measurements 2. synthesized data 1. Algorithm cross comparisons 2. Algorithm recommendations 3. Report on algorithm progress

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