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Theory Lesson 4: Lesson Planning Competition

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1 Theory Lesson 4: Lesson Planning Competition
Sports Leadership Theory Lesson 4: Lesson Planning Competition

2 General feedback from last week
Positive Planning is good (from the jotters I have seen) Adapting during the lesson to improve experience Structure Working well as a class and enjoying activities! Negative Delays in between warm up/ Skill/ Game Aim not clear at the start/ Reviewed at end Some people taking more lead with delivery than others Vocals – bring class in! Feedback during lesson Teaching Points (covered today) General feedback from last week

3 Lesson Planning Task – 10 mins
In your groups you have to design a brand new, original, never before seen, thinking out of the box, creative masterpiece of a lesson. You’re lesson must: Cater for everyone in todays class Make use of half of the games hall Be safe Be creative Follow our template - You have 3 minutes to “sell” your lesson to the class. The top 3 lessons will be voted for by the class. In the event of a tie Mr Williams will cast the deciding vote. Lesson Planning Task – 10 mins

4 Voting! And the results are…
1st Place = 2nd Place = 3rd Place = Voting! And the results are…

5 Lesson Planning Activity*
Aim – The purpose of the lesson. E.g to develop the lay up in Basketball. Numbers – How many people are taking part? Are there non participants? Equipment – What do I need? E.g 4 basketballs, cones, bibs Lesson Planning

6 Lesson Planning Describe the following in your plan!
Warm up (3- 5 mins) – To raise heart rate and to appropriately prepare participants for activity. Skill Development (8-10 mins) – Focus on a particular skill. Give Teaching points/ Demonstrations. E.g Lay up – Draw diagrams to make clearer! Games (15 – 20 mins). – Give participants the opportunity practice their skill within a game. Can also make conditions to focus on the skill if appropriate. Plenary – 2-3 mins – Use the time at the end to provide Feedback and next steps. Lesson Planning

7 In your Leadership groups you can now begin to plan your next lesson
In your Leadership groups you can now begin to plan your next lesson. Use the following structure and include as much detail as possible: Activity Aim Numbers Equipment Warm Up Skill Development Teaching Points Games Plenary Lesson Plan Template

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