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The Vietnam War We Nixon. Vocab List 39 P 410 CH 17 -Linkage -Vietnamization -Pentagon Papers (P 411) -Christmas Bombings (P 411) -My Lai.

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3 The Vietnam War We Nixon.

4 Vocab List 39 P 410 CH 17 -Linkage -Vietnamization -Pentagon Papers (P 411) -Christmas Bombings (P 411) -My Lai Massacre (P 410) -Domino Effect (P 411)

5 I. Background A) It is not looking good:
People assassinated (Bobby Kennedy / MLK) Draft is breaking people’s balls. Body Count war Tet Offensive Agent Orange Lied to about Gulf of Tonkin B) 1968 Nixon Wins on a campaign promise of a secret plan to end the war...

6 II. Nixon’s Secret Plan Part 1: Vietnamization: a gradual withdrawal of American Troops to leave the fighting to the S Vietnamese Part 2: More Bombing + Troops into Cambodia to cut off supply line for North Wikipedia: Pol Pot or the Khmer Rouge The worst version of Communism in history resulted. All Cambodians put into communes. ⅓ of population massacred. We helped spark worst regime in history Result of Secret Plan? MORE Anti-War protest Now Vietnam Veterans openly criticizing war What could make it worse?


8 Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge

9 III. The Pentagon Papers
The New York Times publishes the Pentagon Papers (thanks to whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg), a set of classified documents showing that: 1) Government had been officially misleading the public about Vietnam for years 2) There were decisions ahead to expand the war further. It was the smoking gun - the proof Americans had long believed-- that their government was not honest with them. :(

10 Pentagon Papers Vid

11 IV. An End to the War 1) After 5 years of negotiation President Nixon is able to finally get America to Withdraw the troops in 1973 Called the Paris Peace Agreement - America finally withdraws troops. War between N & S Vietnam will continue 2) The War Powers Act Will prevent any future “Gulf of Tonkin Resolutions” allowing a president to go to war on their own Now president must tell Congress about invasions no longer than 48 hours after + only has 60 days to carry out “mission” without declaration of war


13 Search & Destroy Body Count War...

14 V. Consequences of Vietnam
1) Vietnam will become Communist Domino Theory true - Cambodia & Laos also become Communist. North defeats the South Pol Pot kills ⅓ of population of Cambodia… :( 2) Our Superior Technology & Wealth will not be enough for future wars See Vietnam; Gulf War; Iraq War; Afghanistan etc 3) 60,000 dead, $100 Billion lost, and vietnam vets never respected (many will go crazy + become homeless) Wikipedia: PTSD 4) Americans completely lose trust in government from now on. Just wait for Watergate… (next chapter)


16 Dont forget your country.

17 Daily Quiz 39 1) What is Nixon’s Secret plan?
2) How do the American People respond to this plan? 3) Why is Pol Pot the worst person? 4) What did the Pentagon Papers show the American people? 5) How does the War End? What ends up happening to Vietnam?

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