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Honors English II Agenda 3/14/2016

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1 Honors English II Agenda 3/14/2016
Housekeeping- place homework on the right corner, sharpen your pencils, dispose of any trash etc. Complete the Literary Devices/Vocabulary Review Review the Objectives and Essential Questions Introduce Argument Writing Practice Argument Writing using Crime and Puzzlement Complete a Closure Question

2 Argumentative Writing-Terms
Claim (thesis) - The overall thesis the writer will argue for- What are you trying to prove? Data (key idea+rdf) - Evidence gathered to support the claim- Include data from the text to support, or prove, your claim. This should be in the form of a quote (with a citation) or specific examples from the text. If it is not a text-based question, then you must use data from your own readings, observations, or personal experiences. Warrant (e/e + significance) - Connect the data to the claim. How does your data prove/support your claim? Elaborate as needed. This explains the significance of the claim.  If you present data to your audience without explaining how it supports your thesis your readers may not make a connection between the two or they may draw different conclusions

3 Argumentative Writing Terms
Counterclaim – A claim that negates or disagrees with the thesis/claim. Don't avoid the opposing side of an argument. Instead, include the opposing side as a counterclaim. Find out what the other side is saying and respond to it within your own argument. This is important so that the audience is not swayed by weak, but unrefuted, arguments. Including counterclaims allows you to find common ground with more of your readers. It also makes you look more credible because you appear to be knowledgeable about the entirety of the debate rather than just being biased or uninformed.  Rebuttal-Evidence that negates or disagrees with the counterclaim. Conclusion - Make a concluding statement to bring your answer to an end.

4 Example Claim: Hybrid cars are an effective strategy to fight pollution. Data1: Driving a private car is a typical citizen's most air polluting activity. Warrant 1: Because cars are the largest source of private, as opposed to industry produced, air pollution switching to hybrid cars should have an impact on fighting pollution.

5 Data 2: Each vehicle produced is going to stay on the road for roughly 12 to 15 years.
Warrant 2: Cars generally have a long lifespan, meaning that a decision to switch to a hybrid car will make a long-term impact on pollution levels. Data 3: Hybrid cars combine a gasoline engine with a battery-powered electric motor. Warrant 3: This combination of technologies means that less pollution is produced. According to "the hybrid engine of the Prius, made by Toyota, produces 90 percent fewer harmful emissions than a comparable gasoline engine.

6 Example Continued Counterclaim: Instead of focusing on cars, which still encourages a culture of driving even if it cuts down on pollution, the nation should focus on building and encouraging use of mass transit systems. Rebuttal: While mass transit is an environmentally sound idea that should be encouraged, it is not feasible in many rural and suburban areas, or for people who must commute to work; thus hybrid cars are a better solution for much of the nation's population.

7 When Creating an Essay Introduction: Hook+ Thesis
Hook(why is this topic important? Or what is the context) Thesis (claim) Body Paragraph 1 : Topic Sentence + Data + Warrant + Quotation/ Citation + Significance (This is the same as topic sentence + RDF + Elaborations/ Examples + Quotation/ Citation + Significance) Body Paragraph 2 : Topic Sentence + Data + Warrant + Quotation/ Citation + Significance Body Paragraph 3: Counter claim + Rebuttal Transition 1(One might object that...,It might seem that...It's true that...Admittedly...Of course…Although)+Alternate Thesis+ Alternate Data+ Transition 2 (but, yet, however, nonetheless, still)+ Data that shows the fallibility of the Counter claim Conclusion

8 Practice Argumentative Writing Using Crime and Puzzlement
In groups of 4 determine the if the accused is guilty? Complete the graphic organizer (using the post-its) as a group and be prepared to share your findings.

9 Honors English II Agenda 3/15/2016
Housekeeping- place homework on the right corner, sharpen your pencils, dispose of any trash etc. Vocabulary Notes Complete Warm Up Review the Objectives and Essential Questions Poetry Presentations Practice Argument Writing Using “A Murder is Arranged” Complete a Closure Question

10 Correct any problems in the sentences below:
The defendant was unwilling to give up his right of having his lawyer present at all questioning. I would not dream to try out for the team until I have learned to throw a football. Even the reinforced concrete breakwater could not prevent the water to inundate the village. Within the next three weeks, we plan having all of the work on the roof completed.

11 The defendant was unwilling to give up his right to have his lawyer present at all questioning.
I would not dream of trying out for the team until I have learned to throw a football. Even the reinforced concrete breakwater could not prevent the water from inundating the village. Within the next three weeks, we plan to have all of the work on the roof completed.

12 Assignment-Is Mary guilty of killing her husband John?
As a group, read “A Murder is Arranged” Complete the graphic organizer using the “A Murder is Arranged” Identify and prepare the claim, data, elaborations, counter claims, rebuttal Then using Google Doc or other collaborative means write an essay responding to the question: Is Mary guilty of killing her husband John? In a small group you will complete the shared essay. One person will write the introduction and conclusion the first body paragraph supporting the claim (using data and elaborations) One person will prepare a second body paragraph supporting the claim (using data and elaborations) and prepare a counter claim and rebuttal

13 Honors English II Agenda 3/16/2016
Housekeeping- place homework on the right corner, sharpen your pencils, dispose of any trash etc. BBR Review the Objectives and Essential Questions Poetry Analysis Presentation Use the Districts Note Taking Guide to Record Information on the Topic Human Rights Violations Complete a Closure Question

14 Fix the parallelism errors in the following sentences
Filling out applications for summer jobs is about as much fun as when you take the SAT. My lab partners were more concerned about getting the lab done quickly than about what grade they might get. To say she is excitable is like saying Bill Gates is well off. The sheer magnitude of the structure was awesome, but I thought the aesthetics were less than appealing.

15 Filling out applications for summer jobs is about as much fun as taking the SAT.
My lab partners were more concerned about getting the lab done quickly than about getting a good grade. Saying she is excitable is like saying Bill Gates is well off. The sheer magnitude of the structure was awesome, but the aesthetics were less than appealing.

16 Benchmark View Excerpts from “The Devil Came on Horse Back”
Take notes from sources on at least 4 of the 5 resources and complete the “Note Taking Guide” Make sure you take notes that support aggressive intervention as well as notes in opposition to aggressive intervention Pay attention to the bias of each source You will need to submit a hard copy for grading purposes!

17 Resources for Research
Title Link Important to Know Visual I: Holocaust Survivors During the Liberation of Buchenwald, 1945 This image be substituted with another, or shown with various iconic photographs Visual II: A Model of Diagrammatic Mapping for Human Rights Please note the teacher copy provided below to insure students are exposed to a complete and thorough chart.

18 Resources for Research
Amnesty International Use this site for helpful resources on human rights advocacy, as well as current events. Write for Rights This site provides real world context for the performance task prompt and could also serve as a resource for expanding the task into a project based unit. Worse Than War PBS Site: Film Link: This PBS initiative includes many helpful resources for the study of genocide over time periods and cultures. Linked here is the site, as well as the full length documentary that has been described by critics as is the first documentary to step back and focus on the general phenomenon of genocide – offering viewers profound insights into its dimensions, patterns and causes, and tragic role in politics and human affairs.

19 Honors English II Agenda 3/17/2016
Housekeeping- place homework on the right corner, sharpen your pencils, dispose of any trash etc. Complete the Ticket In Review the Objectives and Essential Questions Poetry Presentation Complete Part 1 of the District Benchmark Writing Assessment Complete a Closure Question

20 (exercise) ____ is essential, but so is (eat) _____intelligently.
Complete each of the sentences below with the appropriate word or phrase—infinitive or gerund—using the given verb. (exercise) ____ is essential, but so is (eat) _____intelligently. The purpose of this trip is (show) _____you what life was like in the 18th century. I have always loved (dance) ______, although my condition has always prevented me from doing it myself. Is it better (study) ____a little each night, or a lot the night before? The director called a meeting (discuss) _______the coordination of the marketing phase

21 Exercising, eating To show Dancing To study To discuss

22 Honors English Agenda 3/18/2016
Housekeeping- place homework on the right corner, sharpen your pencils, dispose of any trash etc. Complete the Ticket In Review the Objectives and Essential Questions Poetry Presentation Complete Part 2 of the District Benchmark Writing Assessment Complete a Closure Question

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