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Welcome to our Year 5 Classroom! Welcome to your new year group

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to our Year 5 Classroom! Welcome to your new year group"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to our Year 5 Classroom! Welcome to your new year group
for the academic year Welcome to our Year 5 Classroom! Mrs Hotchkiss, Mrs Kennedy, Mrs Curtis, Mrs Mallinson, Mrs Carr and Mr Nay. “You are precious in my eyes” Isaiah 43

2 The Year 5 team Mrs Hotchkiss – Class teacher.
Mrs Kennedy – Teaching assistant and cover for Mrs Hotchkiss Mrs Carr – classroom assistant on Monday Tuesday and Wednesday Mrs Curtis - Teaches the children art and design technology. Madame Jefferson – teaches French on Tuesday afternoon (10 week blocks) Mrs Mallinson – music teacher on a Wednesday afternoon. Mr Nay- Sports coach (Mondays) teaching in different classes and running clubs before and after school.

3 My vision for the year… Throughout the year, my mission is for your children to feel safe, valued and love learning. I want to give the children opportunities and experiences that they will remember but with a real sense of purpose. The children need to become problem solvers and risk takers as real learning takes place when mistakes are made…


5 Autumn term Spring term computing R.E Art & D.T Music Summer term
Literacy & Numeracy R.E computing Art & D.T Music Summer term Spring term HRSE The overview

6 Associate school to the RSC

7 Accelerated Reading Scheme

8 Monitor lights and electrical equipment
Fill bird feeders Collect compost Pick litter

9 Discussing how to improve our school
Organising change Children voice Solving problems

10 Essentials Water Bottles Snack time Medicine
Medical conditions/inhalers- update medical form PICK Ups- must have your permission Mobile phones Photographs- sorry for delays we will endeavour Dinner money- parent pay (advance) Trip money- parent pay Trips- London/The theatre/Adventure/University of Central Lancashire- Space/ River field trip/ Mosque Uniform Up to date contact information- only one on the text service Tonight’s paperwork- Home learning- home challenge Representing the school in sport

11 Keeping safe online

12 Full attendance is important
If possible dental and doctors appointments should be made out of school time. Missing just one session can mean that a child misses a vital building block for their learning. Leave during term time is now only authorised in exceptional circumstances (by the head teacher). There is a form on the parents section of the website to request leave during term time.

13 (a concern shared early can be easily resolved)
Together in partnership we can ensure your child is happy, healthy, safe and fulfils their potential. (a concern shared early can be easily resolved)

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