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Title: Biology 4/23/07 Objectives: Class Topics

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1 Title: Biology 4/23/07 Objectives: Class Topics
4/29/2019 Title: Biology 4/23/07 Objectives: To learn about DNA fingerprinting. Class Topics Complete video “Harvest of Fear” GM drugs Cloning DNA fingerprinting "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat." Theodore Roosevelt Monday, April 29, :39 AM

2 Class Assignments Chapter 11 Quiz/Essay 4/27/07 Due this class period
4/29/2019 Class Assignments What By When Chapter 11 Quiz/Essay 4/27/07 Due this class period Due next class period Due in the future

3 4/29/2019 Grade Sheet 2A – p. 157 (5 pts.)

4 Essay possibilities Introduction 4 body paragraphs Conclusion
4/29/2019 Essay possibilities Introduction What are you going to cover? Limit pronouns 4 body paragraphs 1. What is a GMO? 2. How are GMOs made? 3 & 4 opinion statements (on next slide) Conclusion What did you cover?

5 Body paragraphs 3 and 4 Opinion statements on…
4/29/2019 Body paragraphs 3 and 4 Opinion statements on… What do you think the government should do about potential resistant weeds or insects due to excessive use of Bt or Round up Ready crops? Do you think GM foods should be labeled? Do you think GM crops should be used in developing countries? Do you think companies, like Monsanto, should own (holds patents) genes and sell them 3rd paragraph should be supporting your opinion with facts 4th paragraph should be supporting opinion against arguments

6 Drugs GM drugs Clotting factor proteins for hemophilia
4/29/2019 Drugs GM drugs Clotting factor proteins for hemophilia Erythropoetin – for anemics Human growth hormone Insulin - diabetics

7 From:
4/29/2019 From:

8 Cloning Dolly the sheep in 1996
4/29/2019 Cloning Dolly the sheep in 1996 Egg cell extracted from sheep and enucleated Mammary cell extracted from Dolly The two cells were shocked to stimulate fusion of the cells Grown in culture Implanted in uterus of sheep Cloned sheep was born Cloned animals

9 4/29/2019

10 From:
4/29/2019 From:

11 Quiz Review Cloning Drugs DNA fingerprint How to Technique Uses
4/29/2019 Quiz Review Cloning How to Drugs DNA fingerprint Technique Southern Blot Uses Recovering the Romanovs

12 4/29/2019 Ethical Issues Good or Baad? Problems

13 DNA Fingerprinting RFLPs
4/29/2019 DNA Fingerprinting RFLPs Restriction fragment length polymorphisms When restriction enzymes are used to cut DNA they leave it in different size lengths The pattern left by the RFLPs after a Southern Blot technique is a DNA Fingerprint Used commonly in criminal cases and forensics

14 Southern Blot technique
4/29/2019 Southern Blot technique DNA of interest is cut by restriction enzymes Fragments are separated by gel electrophoresis Separates DNA by size Smaller fragments move farther than large fragments DNA is negatively charged, the ends of the gel are positively charged DNA bands are transferred (blotted) onto filter paper Radioactive tracers for visible bands

15 DNA Fingerprinting A Confounding Confusing Confectionery Crime
4/29/2019 DNA Fingerprinting A Confounding Confusing Confectionery Crime Recovering the Romanovs

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