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Presentation on theme: "STATE SHAPE ACTIVITY."— Presentation transcript:


2 SHAPE RESEARCH DESCRIBE the general look of the shape
EXPLAIN the advantages a country will have with this shape EXPLAIN the disadvantages a country will have with this shape BASICALLY…what makes this shape UNIQUE??

3 DETERMINE COUNTRIES ANALYZE the geography of the various countries in the world to determine three countries that meet this shape EXPLAIN why they are that particular shape

EVALUATE each of your countries’ history to determine at least one (for each country) event that benefitted from the country’s shape EXPLAIN the advantage EVALUATE each of your countries’ history to determine at least one (for each country) event that was harmed by the country’s shape EXPLAIN the disadvantage

5 POWERPOINT Each group will CREATE a PowerPoint presentation detailing their findings, consisting of the following: Title Slide: title, date, group members’ names Shape slide: description, images, bulleted advantages and disadvantages Country Slides (3 for each country): Country name, location, how it meets the shape, image(s) Advantages: DESCRIBE the event, EXPLAIN how the shape gave that country an advantage Disadvantages: DESCRIBE the event, EXPLAIN how the shape gave that country a disadvantage Conclusion Slide: bulleted EXPLANATION of whether this shape is “good” for a country…or not

6 RUBRIC 12 slides: 7 points each (correct info, images, creativity) = 84 points Cooperation: group worked together; all worked = 8 points Presentation to class: Clear, concise; all participate = 8 pts TOTAL: 100 points MAJOR GRADE

7 GROUPS Fragmented Prorupted Compact * Perforated Elongated Timothy
Sade Briana Roberto Prorupted Ashlyn Kelsey David Michael M. Compact * Perforated Lucas * Damon Anyah * Susy Joseph * Nicole Morgan * Max Elongated Cassidy Deondre Savanna Michael D. Hunter


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