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Annual Professional Development Conference

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1 Annual Professional Development Conference - 2016
Friday 26August Cascading for Success Kim Tree Wednesday 24th - Research Skills: Models for Delivery - Research Skills

2 Cascading for Success Session is an interactive session
Over last few days we have covered a great deal. All of the sessions have been designed to give some additional support and guidance to you working every day within your centres. Wednesday 24th - Research Skills: Models for Delivery - Research Skills

3 Cascading Task Use the conference programme
Identify appropriate topics that have been covered during the sessions. Your task is to match the verification criteria to each of the sessions that we have covered. To help you we have prepared 2 worksheets. Wednesday 24th - Research Skills: Models for Delivery - Research Skills

4 What is the aim of this activity? Verification Criterion
Action Planning for Verification Conference Session Day Verification Criterion Who is involved August - October November - January February - April May - June Identifying suitable resources Developing teaching materials Mobile technology Using technology Research skills Assessment conditions Applying professional judgement Lets get marking Standardisation Problem solving Sharing resources Cascading for success Wednesday 24th - Research Skills: Models for Delivery - Research Skills

5 Candidate evidence must be retained in line with SQA requirements.
SQA Qualifications Verification criteria Impact Criterion Number Criterion Details High 2.1 Assessors and Internal Verifiers must be competent to assess an internally verify the qualification, where this is stipulated by SQA. 2.4 There must be evidence of initial and ongoing reviews of assessment environment(s), assessment procedures, equipment, learning and assessment materials Medium 3.2 Candidates development needs and prior achievements (where appropriate) must be matched against the requirements of the award. 3.3 Candidates must have scheduled contact with their assessor in order to review their progress and to revise their assessment plans accordingly. 4.2 Internal assessment and verification procedures must be implemented to ensure standardisation of assessment. 4.3 The selection and use of assessment instruments and methods must be valid, reliable, practicable, equitable and fair. 4.4 Assessment evidence must be the candidate’s own work, generated under SQA’s required conditions. 4.6 Evidence of candidates’ work must be accurately and consistently judged by assessors against SQAs requirements. 4.7 Candidate evidence must be retained in line with SQA requirements. 4,9 Feedback from Qualification Verifiers must be disseminated to staff and used to inform assessment practice. Wednesday 24th - Research Skills: Models for Delivery - Research Skills

6 What do I do now? We have given you a worksheet to complete.
We have given you a worksheet to complete. The aim is to match the verification criteria to the conference sessions. Then identify who in your centre will be involved in this work when you go back and cascade the information you have learnt this week. You are then asked to identify when during the academic year that you think this work will take place, Wednesday 24th - Research Skills: Models for Delivery - Research Skills

7 Wednesday 24th - Research Skills: Models for Delivery - Research Skills

8 Verification Criterion
Action Planning for Verification Conference Session Day Verification Criterion Who is involved August - October November - January February - April May - June Identifying suitable resources Tues 2.4 whole team x Developing teaching materials Mobile technology 2.4,4.4 Using technology Research skills Wed 2.4,3.3,4.2 Assessment conditions 2.4,4.3,4.4 Applying professional judgement 4.2, 4.3,4.6 Lets get marking Thurs 4.6,4.3 assessors/IV Standardisation 2.4,4.2,4.3,4.4,4.6 Problem solving Sharing resources Fri Cascading for success 2.4,3.3,4.2,4.3,4.6

9 Summary We have given you a framework to ensure that your verification activity meets the requirements of our criterion. The aim is to allow you to plan activity and build it into your ongoing workload so that preparation for EV is not a huge burden. You can then use this information to share out tasks and to ensure that you follow best practice. Wednesday 24th - Research Skills: Models for Delivery - Research Skills

10 Wednesday 24th - Research Skills: Models for Delivery - Research Skills

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