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Calibration of a phase-shift formed in a linearly chirped fiber Bragg grating by using wavelength-interrogated fiber ring laser and its application to.

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Presentation on theme: "Calibration of a phase-shift formed in a linearly chirped fiber Bragg grating by using wavelength-interrogated fiber ring laser and its application to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Calibration of a phase-shift formed in a linearly chirped fiber Bragg grating by using wavelength-interrogated fiber ring laser and its application to temperature sensor

2 Purpose of this study Relationship between amount of the phase-shift and peak wavelength of the resulted band-pass filter (at which the transmission is maximum) Relationship between amount of the phase-shift and transmission of the narrow band-pass filter

3 Simulation results: Simulation results for the transmission spectra of the phase-shifted linearly chirped FBG where ten different phase shifts are inserted, respectively.

4 Simulation results: Changes of the peak-wavelength vs. the amount of the inserted phase-shift. Changes of the peak-transmission vs. the amount of the inserted phase-shift.

5 Experimental results:
Experimental results for the dependent of the peak wavelength shift on the magnitude of the PZT voltage. Relationship between the induced phase shift and the applied PZT voltage.

6 Calibration of the induced phase-shift in FBG by using the wavelength-interrogated fiber ring laser
Experimental setup for the SLM EDF ring laser

7 Experimental results for the fiber ring laser
Measurement results for the laser output spectra while different voltages are applied on the PZT. Output spectra of the fiber ring laser measured 8 times in every other 10 minute.

8 Relationship of the phase-shift with the lasing wavelength of the fiber laser
Dependent of the lasing wavelength on the amount of the phase shift induced in the FBG.

9 Potential application of the above results
CO2 laser inscribed phase-shifted fiber Bragg grating and its application to either a refracometric sensor or a temperature sensor

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