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What is happening here?.

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1 What is happening here?

2 Unit Title: Prayer and Ritual
Focus Question: How does my understanding of prayer and ritual shape me? Learning Intention: To learn about Mary’s Magnificat. Success Criteria: To complete a higher level thinking task relating to the topic. Last Lesson Canticle of Creation This Lesson Magnificat Next Lesson Meditative Prayer

3 Mary’s Magnificat Mary’s Magnificat is also sometimes known as the Song of Mary or the Canticle of Mary. Listen to the Canticle of Mary and think about its possible meaning. Mary predicts that she will be remembered as blessed.

4 Exegesis of Mary’s Magnificat
Copy and Paste Luke 1:39-55 into your notes. (Make sure you have the NRSVCE version) Underline the verse you think is the most important. Summarise the Magnificat in your own words. Do you think Mary actually said these words? Does it matter if she didn’t? What is the value of these words to Christians today?

5 Mary’s Magnificat The prayer of Mary is remembered as a key moment in Mary’s life. Mary is facing condemnation as an unwed mother. She recognises God as her saviour (verse 47). Mary praises God for looking on her with favour. She remembers the promise God made with Abraham.

6 Pope Benedict XVI commented on the Magnificat in 2006
Dear Brothers and Sisters,  Today we bring to a conclusion the cycle of reflections, begun by my beloved predecessor Pope John Paul II, on the Psalms and canticles found in the Liturgy of the Hours.  We do so with a meditation on the Magnificat, which extols the biblical poor, the "anawim," who live in deep humility of heart and openness to God's saving grace. They are free from pride and detached from aspirations to human greatness.  The first part of the canticle portrays Mary rejoicing in the grace which has come into her heart and her life. She does this in a personal way, but is aware also of her mission to all humanity.  The second part places Mary's words of praise in harmony with the whole history of the faithful. They celebrate the surprising choices of God who "scatters the proud-hearted" ... "casts the mighty from their thrones" ... "fills the starving with good things."  Let us conclude by associating ourselves with the invitation of the great St. Ambrose: "May each one of us glorify the Lord with the soul of Mary and rejoice in God with the spirit of Mary." 

7 Choose your own task based on your confidence on the topic!
Explain in your own words the significance of Mary and her prayer. Watch the following YouTube clip and describe in a few sentences how Mary is depicted in the images you see. (You don’t need the volume on for this clip.) What examples can you find (images) to prove that Virgin Mary is portrayed in many different ways in Latin America? Why do you think this is the case? Does it make a difference? Examine the following YouTube clip. Does this documentary change your perception of Virgin Mary? How? Explain your answer. From what you have learned so far, create your own image of the Virgin Mary. (You can do it on the computer or draw a picture.) What information would you use to support the view that the prayer of Mary is remembered as a key moment in Mary’s life and is very significant for our understanding of her? Choose your own task based on your confidence on the topic! Tip: Work at your own pace, this is not a race!

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