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MISCELLANEOUS PERF. The performance data for takeoff and landing an aircraft can be obtained from the aircraft's flight manual or pilot's operating handbook.

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Presentation on theme: "MISCELLANEOUS PERF. The performance data for takeoff and landing an aircraft can be obtained from the aircraft's flight manual or pilot's operating handbook."— Presentation transcript:

1 MISCELLANEOUS PERF. The performance data for takeoff and landing an aircraft can be obtained from the aircraft's flight manual or pilot's operating handbook. The actual performance of an aircraft is affected by many variables which must be taken into account.

2 MISCELLANEOUS Vc – Design Cruising Speed Vmo/Mmo – Maximum Operating Limit Speed The Landing Climb Limit Weight is also known as a go-around scenario. Calculate all three and use the lower number.

3 MISCELLANEOUS Turbulence: Strong turbulence can result in structural damage to an aircraft or inadvertent stall. Sudden changes in wind direction and speed can result in very rapid changes in angle of attack. Sudden increase in angle of attack will cause the airplane to accelerate upward increasing both the load factor and stalling speed. For any combination of weight and altitude there will be a recommended “rough air” speed that provides the best protection from stalls and from the possibility of overstressing the aircraft. When clear air turbulence has been reported in the area, a pilot should slow to the rough air speed upon encountering the first ripple of turbulence. In severe turbulence it may be impossible to maintain a constant airspeed or altitude. If this happens pilot should set the power to maintain a desired airspeed and altitude and accept large variations in airspeed and altitude.

4 QUESTION 9321. Which is the correct symbol for design cruising speed?
A – Vc B – Vs C – Va

5 QUESTION 9321. Which is the correct symbol for design cruising speed?
A – Vc B – Vs C – Va Vs is stall speed and Va is maneuvering speed

6 QUESTION 8344. How can turbulent air cause an increase in stalling speed of an airfoil? A – Abrupt change in relative wind B – Decrease in angle of attack C – Sudden decrease in load factor

7 QUESTION 8344. How can turbulent air cause an increase in stalling speed of an airfoil? A – Abrupt change in relative wind B – Decrease in angle of attack C – Sudden decrease in load factor B – decrease in angle of attack would decrease possibility of a stall C – sudden decrease in load factor would decrease stalling speed

8 QUESTION 9129. If severe turbulence is encountered, which procedure is recommended? A – Maintain a constant altitude B – Maintain a constant attitude C – Maintain a constant airspeed and altitude

9 QUESTION 9129. If severe turbulence is encountered, which procedure is recommended? A – Maintain a constant altitude B – Maintain a constant attitude C – Maintain a constant airspeed and altitude In severe turbulence the airspeed indicator is inaccurate; therefore the pilot should set power for recommended rough air speed then maintain a level flight attitude accepting variations

10 QUESTION 9320. Which speed symbol indicates the maximum operating limit speed of an airplane? A – Vle B – Vmo/Mmo C – Vlo/Mlo

11 QUESTION 9320. Which speed symbol indicates the maximum operating limit speed of an airplane? A – Vle B – Vmo/Mmo C – Vlo/Mlo Vle – Max landing gear extension speed Vlo/Mlo – Max speed for operation with gear extended

12 QUESTION 9128. What action is appropriate when encountering the first ripple of reported clear air turbulence (CAT)? A – Extend flaps to reduce wing loading B – Extend gear to provide more drag and increase stability C – Adjust air speed to that recommended for rough air

13 QUESTION 9128. What action is appropriate when encountering the first ripple of reported clear air turbulence (CAT)? A – Extend flaps to reduce wing loading B – Extend gear to provide more drag and increase stability C – Adjust air speed to that recommended for rough air

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