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(1 April 2011 – 31 July 2011) 30 August 2011

2 SCOPE Challenges Recommendation Background Ntamo judgment
Progress for the period of 1 April 2011 – 31 July 2011 Backlog appeals New Appeals Challenges Recommendation

3 BACKGROUND By 01 April 2010 there were backlog appeals to be adjudicated. By 31 March 2011, were adjudicated. The current financial year (2011/12) started with a backlog appeals approximating The backlog is to be finalised by October 2011.

4 NTAMO JUDGMENT The Legal Resource Center (LRC) in the Eastern Cape filed an application on behalf Ntamo and others against the Minister. The applicants asserted that the delay in finalising social assistance appeals was unconstitutional They also sought a court order in terms of which the Minister was to be ordered to finalise the backlog of appeals by the end of September 2011

On 27 January 2011 an out of court settlement was reached and made an order of court : the department had to have finalised the backlog appeals by October 2011; submit plans and strategies to achieve the target; all new appeals had to be adjudicated within 90 days, failing which they should be considered backlog; and table a report on the finalisation of the backlog by 30 October

Province Quart 1 Quart 2 Quart 3 Quart 4 TOTAL EC 2 500 4 500 7 000 FS 1 000 1 130 2 130 GAU 1 793 2 793 KZN 2 055 2 000 4 055 LIM 363 207 570 MPU 346 NC 635 NW 117 253 370 WC 500 1 500 9 809 9 590 19 399

During case assessment and validation of the appeal letters received (approximated backlog), the following were established: Category 1: No ID – Letters sent to appellants requesting copies of identity documents. Category 2: Means Test – Appeals by beneficiaries on decisions made prior to 16 September 2011 referred to SASSA for consideration.

Category 3: Duplicate matters, enquiries and general complaints. Duplicates were removed and enquiries/complaints were sent to Customer Care units of both DSD and SASSA. Category 4: Real backlog appeals – these are the matters which had to be adjudicated and outstanding records retrieved from various provincial SASSA warehouses. This number includes backlog appeals received after the start of the current financial year from SASSA Offices.

9 Backlog: Case Assessment and Validation
PROV ** PERF. TARGET ADDIT BACKLO G APPEAL ADJUDI- CATED (Minus) BALANCE: CAT 1: * (No ID’s) CAT 2: (Means Test) (Minus) CAT 3: Dupl/Enq Comp/ (Minus) CAT 4: * Backlog Appeals remaining EC 7 000 2 868 4 132 1 794 310 984 2 838 FS 2 130 778 1 352 933 250 334 768 GAU 2 793 415 636 2572 837 450 2 122 KZN 4 055 35 4 020 12 8 2 353 1 659 LIM 570 167 403 27 2 326 75 MPU 346 132 214 120 20 133 61 NC 635 502 25 7 373 122 NW 370 128 307 191 184 WC 1 500 170 1 330 265 318 566 446 TOT 19 399 543 5 226 14 716 4 015 1 372 5 069 8 275 * Category 1 (No ID’s) have been included in the backlog appeals remaining. Number of backlog remaining may therefore ultimately differ depending on feedback received from appellants.

10 Pre-Adjudication: New Appeals referred to SASSA for reconsideration
PROV “Appeals” received via Ministry but referred back to SASSA for reconsideration (thus SASSA decision on/after 16 Sept 2010) TOTAL May June July EC 379 239 52 670 FS 36 60 7 103 GAU 67 40 3 110 KZN 16 33 6 55 LIM 8 11 5 24 MPU 14 21 NC 9 2 NW 12 1 20 WC 17 39 Unkn 25 553 450 75 1 078

PROV April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 TOTAL EC 553 875 1 440 2 868 FS 371 252 155 778 GAU 277 359 636 KZN 10 3 22 35 LIM 62 105 167 MPU 55 47 30 132 NC 133 NW 61 157 89 307 WC 1 141 28 170 1 390 2 072 1 764 5 226

12 Post Adjudication: Communication (Backlog)
PROV As at 31 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 *TOTAL EC 7 600 2 480 4 788 1 311 1 440 17 619 FS 2 664 46 990 673 155 4 528 GAU 6 201 1 189 4 511 743 12 644 KZN 7 713 801 4 080 734 22 13 350 LIM 116 80 165 361 MPU 123 47 131 62 30 393 NC 128 111 527 221 987 NW 2 226 18 89 2 333 WC 888 603 163 28 1 654 TOTAL 27 659 4 674 15 728 4 072 1 764 *53 897 *Number includes matters adjudicated 2009/10 but not communicated then. Backlog in communication of appeals adjudicated has been eradicated. Currently outcomes are communicated within 1 week of adjudication.

13 Adjudication of New Appeals
PROV TOTAL NEW APPEALS RECEIVE NEW APPEALS ADJUDICATED APRIL 2011 NEW APPEALS ADJUDICATED MAY 2011 NEW APPEALS ADJUDICATED JUNE 2011 NEW APPEALS ADJUDICATED JULY 2011 TOTAL NEW APPEALS FINALIZED EC 171 57 44 70 FS 50 46 4 GAU 225 80 92 53 KZN 235 85 LIM MPU 40 37 3 NC 12 5 7 NW 13 WC 14 9 TOTAL 760 299 228 233 New matters received iro SASSA decisions on or after 16 September 2010 have been referred to SASSA for reconsideration before they can be adjudicated as new appeals by the Tribunal

14 Challenges Dependency on SASSA for the appellant records.
Inadequate or insufficient records on file. Unavailability of files or appellant records. Inconsistent address details for the appellants. Delayed implementation of the reconsideration process. Lack of a Management Information System.

15 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the meeting takes note of – the progress report for the period of 1 April 2011 – 31 July 2011.

16 Thank You


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