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A Whole Lotta Lot 6. Sodom’s Gone Gen 19v27-38

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1 A Whole Lotta Lot 6. Sodom’s Gone Gen 19v27-38
Tying up loose ends Sodom’s ruin resonates with final judgement v28, Rv 19v3 God’s people praise Him for His justice Rv 19v1-4 Praisers are perfected. They see what we can’t 1 Cor 13v12 God’s love & justice live in perfect tension Everything will be seen from Christ’s perspective There’s a whole package of praise going on Rv 19v6ff That’s then but this is now TODAY is the day of salvation/grace 2 Cor 6v2, Rv 22v17 NOW we must have the same approach as Jesus Lk 19v41-44

2 A Whole Lotta Lot 6. Sodom’s Gone Gen 19v27-38
Abraham returns to see if his prayer is answered v27-29 He’d prayed Lot & family & Sodom would be spared 18v32, v28 Looks like God didn’t answer prayer & broke His promise God said He’d spare Sodom if there were 10, but there were 3 Hindsight shows God is faithful & always keeps promises v29 You never know what God does in the dying moments v29 Like Abraham, pray & then look for answers v27

3 A Whole Lotta Lot 6. Sodom’s Gone Gen 19v27-38
Sodom’s gone (continued) Lot’s daughters: Out of the frying pan into the fire? Start justifying sin & there’s big trouble ahead 19v31-32 They were doing so well ‘Everyone’s doing it’ v31 ‘It’s for the greater good’ v32 Taking matters into your own hands ends in disaster v36-38 God will provide in the time of His choosing 1 Sam 2v30, Isa 64v4

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