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Persia and Greece.

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1 Persia and Greece

2 I. Introduction Greece and Persia were neighboring empires that … WHEN??? Dual expansion led … Despite Persia’s defeat at the hands of the Greeks… Decline Legacy – Why do we focus so heavily on Greece??? Greece was no more important than any other classic civilization.

3 II. Persia (550 – 330 B.C.E.)

4 II. Persia (550 – 330 B.C.E.) CONT Social Structure Culture
Family structure ??? Social Classes: What do you think they were? Warriors Priests Peasants Culture Culture and Language

5 II. Persia (550 – 330 B.C.E.) CONT Religion
Zoroastrianism – Emphasizes ??? Choosing between ??? Last judgment … First step in the direction of …

6 II. Persia (550 – 330 B.C.E.) CONT Political structure
Centralized Government HOW??? Empire was divided into ??? Satrapies – provinces Governed by ??? Satraps (governors) The regions paid tribute to the king WHAT??? Conquered peoples had … Led to WHAT??? Government built ??? WHY??? Increased trade and to control the empire **FUN FACT ALERT** Led to ???

7 II. Persia (550 – 330 B.C.E.) CONT Decline – Defeat in 477 B.C.E. to ??? Played small role in … BUT … Persian War

8 III. Classical Greece (500 – 338 BCE) and Hellenistic Empire (323 – 30 BCE)
Geography ??? Lacked ??? Led to ??? Natural barriers led to … No central government Also led to … Hellenistic empire



11 III. Classical Greece (500 – 338 BCE) and Hellenistic Empire (323 – 30 BCE)
The Emergence of City-States (Poli) Featured ??? Stress on … City-States competed for ??? Two strongest city-states ??? fought in … Who wins??? Who REALLY wins??? Weakened Greek unity Conquered by ??? King Philip of Macedonia Alexander the Great




15 III. Classical Greece (500 – 338 BCE) and Hellenistic Empire (323 – 30 BCE)
Religion Polytheistic religion featuring … Little appeal among the commoners since it lacked “mystery.” What does “mystery” mean??? Hellenistic age produces many mystery religions No major religion established differs from ???

16 III. Classical Greece (500 – 338 BCE) and Hellenistic Empire (323 – 30 BCE)
Politics – Birth of ??? Expansion of trade led to … Eventually led to ??? Caused a shift in people’s allegiance from … Led to wide-spread participation in government – DEMOCRACY Does everyone vote??? Can anyone be a politician??? WHY??? Level of democracy varied Athens??? Sparta???

17 III. Classical Greece (500 – 338 BCE) and Hellenistic Empire (323 – 30 BCE)
Greek Society Patriarchal – BUT… Slavery

18 III. Classical Greece (500 – 338 BCE) and Hellenistic Empire (323 – 30 BCE)
Greek Culture Large cultural gap … Based on four principles: Emphasis on ??? Art and sculpture glorified ??? Drama and philosophy stressed … The philosophical and scientific tradition emphasized ??? Major Philosophers???




22 III. Classical Greece (500 – 338 BCE) and Hellenistic Empire (323 – 30 BCE)
Decline Alexander creates …

23 Puzzle Time! What is interesting or surprising about this picture of Buddha? Shows a convergence of Greco-Roman culture and Buddhist beliefs! Buddha is wearing a TOGA!

24 III. Classical Greece (500 – 338 BCE) and Hellenistic Empire (323 – 30 BCE)
After Alexander’s death, the empire declined… WHY??? Hellenistic Age Blending of … Hellenistic Kingdoms Macedonia – Antigonid Dynasty Syria & East – Seleucid Dynasty Pergamum – Attalid Dynasty Egypt – Ptolemy Dynasty


26 IV. Conclusion Greeks did not develop ??? Who did??? Legacy was …
Democracy of Greeks was … In 1700s used to justify establishing own forms of democracy Legacy was … Citizenship Heritage of Slavery Art and Philosophy – Most Lasting Contribution KEY IDEA – Ordinary People… Fundamental in developing Middle Eastern and Western Civilization

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