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By: Andrew Martin and Rachel Harbin

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1 By: Andrew Martin and Rachel Harbin
Cohort leaders By: Andrew Martin and Rachel Harbin

2 What is a cohort leader? A cohort leader serves as a leader within the district to aid their colleagues in professional guidance as it pertains to the portfolio process. A cohort leader is someone that has displayed leadership skills and a strong sense of content expertise that would prove beneficial for the development of their peer’s skills. A cohort leader should take pride and initiative when it comes to aiding not only their colleagues, but the district in putting together strong portfolios to display the quality of teaching going on within our district.

3 Roles of a cohort leader
Provide leadership to their colleagues Share best practices and examples of high quality work Communicate benchmark dates to stay in compliance Hold meetings regularly to hold colleagues accountable for their work Review work and provide feedback to ensure portfolio is of highest quality Have time sheets signed for the work you complete and the cohorts you meet with throughout the year.

4 What you need to know? Understanding of all the assessments for 6-8th grade assessments. Know how to structure the assessments and the testing protocols Learn the critical elements of each assessment to explain best practices Learn how to analyze student work to provide corrective feedback Learn how to properly score students work and explain the process

5 Scoring process Teachers must select 6 growth measures from a sampling of their work (2 Emerging, 2 Proficient, 2 Advanced) A student is considered a Level 5 if they show 3 levels (years) of growth from Point A to Point B Ex: Blue #5 is a Level 2 in Point A assessment and a Level 5 in Point B assessment. The student grew +3 and earned a level 5. In order to earn a 5 on a whole section, the teacher must have 18 growth points total from the 6 students selected (6 students selected and 3 growth points/student)

6 Student growth sheets Learn how to properly fill in a student growth chart to track scores for Point A and Point B assessments. Follow the critical elements and scoring guide to correctly identify the score the student earned. Benefit of using growth sheets allows for tracking of date. Also, the growth sheet can be uploaded as an additional work sample, which would provide an opportunity for the peer reviewer to see the work from your P.O.V. Student growth sheets for Middle School (and elementary) can be found at

7 Example of growth sheets
Growth sheets will aid you and your cohorts in tracking student’s growth. Serves as additional work sample for portfolio process.

8 Cohort leaders Having a cohort leader could be the difference between a score of a 2 and 5! Never underestimate the importance of having an expert by your side to aid you in something that is new and unfamiliar to you. Those that have discrepancies in their scores at the end of the year are generally the ones that refused to work with someone and seek out help. You must take the initiative to help yourself, before we can help you! The portfolio process is grounded in the belief that reflection on student work artifacts in order to make instructional decisions is the most critical part of the process. Collaborative work with colleagues is an instrumental part of deep reflection. It is encouraged that teachers plan together, share their student work with one another, tag and score their student work together, and identify the most appropriate, differentiated instructional practices together.

9 Cohort leaders PROVIDE ASSISTANCE to a group of people--#LIASON
Are you expected to know everything? NO Reach out to other cohort leaders or HPELW Office to ask questions Technical Assistance Platform will not be provide until all are uploaded in the system

10 Benchmarks

11 Benchmarks Allow cohort leaders to communicate important dates to their cohorts Helps cohorts stay on target to completing the portfolio in a timely manner Ensure those that are meeting with you regularly are completing and uploading on time to stay in compliance A great source of accountability for all parties!

12 Co Lead Action plan

13 Action plans Allows cohort leaders to track topics/assessments covered with cohorts. Data sheet that will serve as a compliance sheet to cover your tracks. Cohort leaders should have a sheet for each cohort they work with and fill out accordingly. In the circumstance of any discrepancies in scoring or complaints filed by a cohort, the action plans can show that you worked with the cohort and assisted them with a given assessment.

14 Knowledge and skills You do NOT have to be an expert on any particular part of the portfolio process! Reach out to other cohort leaders and/or administrative assistance. If you don’t know, tell them you don’t know! But tell them you’ll find the answer! You will learn as you go!

15 Professional development opportunities
Take opportunities to learn about the portfolio each chance you get Ask questions until you get the answers you need PD classes will be offered from time to time and serve both cohorts and cohort leaders Serving as peer reviewers at close of the year opens your eyes to a brand new perspective. Allows you to enhance your own understanding and expertise.

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