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Greater Hazelwood Community Meeting TAP In: Teachers and Parents Involved for Students Evaluation Results December 7, 2011 Community Partners in Educational.

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Presentation on theme: "Greater Hazelwood Community Meeting TAP In: Teachers and Parents Involved for Students Evaluation Results December 7, 2011 Community Partners in Educational."— Presentation transcript:

1 Greater Hazelwood Community Meeting TAP In: Teachers and Parents Involved for Students Evaluation Results December 7, 2011 Community Partners in Educational Leadership Hazelwood YMCA Hazelwood Initiative Glen Hazel Citizen Council POOR Law Monongahela Marszeen Block Club The Hazelwood Youth Mentorship & Athletic Association Pittsburgh Mifflin PSCC

2 Hazelwood Community Meeting_7Dec2011_Evals: How valuable did you find the table discussion?

3 Hazelwood Community Meeting_7Dec2011_Evals: How satisfied are you with the way the meeting was conducted overall?

4 Hazelwood Community Meeting_7Dec2011_Evals: How likely are you to attend the next Hazelwood Community Meeting?

5 Hazelwood Community Meeting_7Dec2011_Evals: Will you commit to participating on a Hazelwood--A+ Schools Community Action Team? Other responses: yes - however it depends on time/commitment (I'd need more specifics), yes - depends as much on a car, no - not at this time

6 (continued on next page)
Question 5: What was your greatest concern coming into today's meeting? Community Representation/Interactions/Involvement Representation by community members How many, if any, community residents (Hazelwood) would attend Would there be enough representation of all the stakeholders Not a concern - but coming as a teacher trying to increase community involvement within our school. What I can do to help the cause as a community member Interaction w/ parents of different cultural backgrounds How to work to improve the connection and communication I have as a teacher with the parents/community of my students. Engagement & planning Level of engagement? However it was well organized and great dialogue Will the meeting be productive and move forward to address our students' needs That planning would be action oriented What is going to be done and when? I'm concerned about how we can go forward in making some productive changes. School closings I am concerned that my students are once again going through a redistricting change Closing of schools (continued on next page)

7 Student achievement and student safety
Question 5: What was your greatest concern coming into today's meeting? (cont.) Student-oriented Safety, achievement Student achievement and student safety Bullying, bus monitors and after school programs Bullying Education Being out too late on a school night Other That the District's attempt at communication would not be acknowledged For parents to be aware of what services are provided I was not notified Time commitment at this time of year difficult/unsure of what to expect. that perceptions would change community/teachers

8 Question 6: What would you change about the meeting?
Nothing (10 responses) Nothing, it was great! I loved the improv at the beginning. Nothing - we need more of these interactions Nothing. I think it was very open and well publicized I liked the format It was run well. I'd like to see it develop naturally. Not sure... 1st one so still absorbing the information More Board Members, Parents, & Students in attendance (10 responses) Invite Board Members so they see the affect decisions have on students/communities Invite someone from the Board of Education (transportation), etc. Where are Board Members and other policy-making people? Parents required to attend as well as teachers Have more parents involved (5) Bring students as well More time for discussion (3 responses) More time for "real life" conversation More table time (2) Other responses Action plan with next steps Bring topics to community then ask what should we talk about Collect priorities by stakeholders - would help in building strong partnerships through diversity. More specifics about all the organizations in Hazelwood and how I can help. Dig deeper into achievement disparity. Organization

9 How we can address issues facing Hazelwood residents
Question 7: What unanswered questions do you still have? Community-oriented… How we can address issues facing Hazelwood residents How can schools be a resource to the community? School Closings… It is still unclear to Minadeo teachers exactly how the redistricting is going to impact our students and how many will be affected School closings Student Achievement… How to measure student achievement not using just test scores. Parent involvement… How can we get parents more involved w/ children? Homework help, tutoring, etc. How can we involve more parents in these meetings? How do we get the word out to them? ways that work to get non-invested parents vested Next steps… What's next? Where do we go from here? How can tonight's work impact what we do tomorrow/next year? Where do we go from here? When do we meet again?? How will progress be measured? next step? goals and objectives?

10 Hazelwood Community Meeting_7Dec2011_Evals: How did you find out about this meeting? (Please check all that apply)

11 Hazelwood Community Meeting_7Dec2011_Evals: How did you find out about this meeting?
Other: Center of Life (3) Hazelwood Homepage Community newsletter Hazelwood YMCA Glen Hazel Tenant Council Duquesne Hazelwood Initiative, dgtr teacher at Brashear came Minadeo School Flyers, letters from a flyer (2) didn't know letter sent to work place of work mailing in mailbox Keino A+ Schools invite

12 Hazelwood Community Meeting_7Dec2011_Evals: Please tell us about your involvement with the Hazelwood Community (please check all that apply):

13 Hazelwood Community Meeting_7Dec2011_Evals: Please tell us about your involvement with the Hazelwood Community: Other responses: Work in Hazelwood with Hazelwood students I am a concerned citizen and part of COL staff Mentor and help a family from the community Center of Life Teacher member of the community Glen Hazel Tenant Council Live in community Teacher at Mifflin HI Teacher - Minadeo Duquesne Hazelwood Initiative PoorLaw- Community Activist

14 Next Steps: Debriefing with Collaborative Stakeholders / Reporting 12/7/2011 Meeting Results January 6, 2012 Greater Hazelwood Leadership Team / Reporting 12/7/2011 Meeting Results February 8, 2012 Recruit Action Team Members Schedule Action Team Meeting Prioritize at least 1 action to move on . Send Out / 12/7/2011 Meeting Results to all Attendees February 17, 2012 A+ Hazelwood Community Ambassadors Training February 22, 2012 2nd Greater Hazelwood Community Meeting May / Date TBD

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