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Quantum criticality with two length scales

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1 Quantum criticality with two length scales
by Hui Shao, Wenan Guo, and Anders W. Sandvik Science Volume 352(6282): April 8, 2016 Published by AAAS

2 Fig. 1 Illustration of spinons.
Illustration of spinons. Shown is a QMC transition graph (33, 34) representing a sampled overlap of S = 1 states with two strings (spinons, shown in red and green) in a background of valence-bond loops. Arches above and below the plane represent the states and , respectively. Hui Shao et al. Science 2016;352: Published by AAAS

3 Fig. 2 (L,2L) crossing-point analysis.
(L,2L) crossing-point analysis. The size of the spinon bound state and the Binder ratio were used to generate the left and right panels, respectively. The monotonic quantities were fitted with simple power-law corrections; two additional subleading corrections were included in the fits of the nonmonotonic quantities. Hui Shao et al. Science 2016;352: Published by AAAS

4 Fig. 3 Consistent anomalous critical scaling.
Consistent anomalous critical scaling. Various quantities y are shown at J/Q = The insets show running exponents ε(L) = |ln(yL/y2L)|/ln(2). (A) A fit of ε(L) gave 1 + ν/ν' = for L → ∞ and a correction ∝ L–1.2. (B and C) Fixing the value of 1 – ν/ν' at 0.285, corrections ∝ L–ω with ω ≈ 0.3 were fitted to ε(L) for large L. The same values of ν/ν' and ω were used in the curves of the form L1–ν/ν' (a + bL–ω) in the main graphs (where a and b are fitted constants). Hui Shao et al. Science 2016;352: Published by AAAS

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