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上课必备文具 (Required Classroom Supplies)

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Presentation on theme: "上课必备文具 (Required Classroom Supplies)"— Presentation transcript:

1 上课必备文具 (Required Classroom Supplies)
3-hole binder with at least 8 dividers (1) 3-hole binder zip bag (1) to store flash cards Index Cards (1 pack) Thick Black Sharpie (1) and Fine Black Sharpie (1) White Board Markers (various colors)

2 今天的活动 (Today’s Activities)
Know Chinese Classroom Routine Chinese Binder Check Chinese Learning Log (Do Now) Greetings and Introduction in Chinese Chinese Pinyin and 4 Tones Homework: Check out Chinese Teacher’s website Chinese Learning Log

3 (TPR) Total Physical Response
起立 qǐ lì 敬礼 jìng lǐ 坐下 zuò xià * (老师说)

4 上课喊口令 Classroom Commands
起立 qǐ lì 敬礼 jìng lǐ Students: 老师好 lǎoshī hǎo Teacher: 同学好 tóngxué hǎo 坐下zuò xià *值日生 zhí rì shéng Student on duty

5 今天的学习目标 (Today’s Objectives)
I can greet and introduce in Chinese by saying: 你好! Nǐ Hǎo! 我叫 。 Wǒ jiào 你叫什么名字? Nǐ jiào shénme míngzì? 他/她叫什么名字? Tā jiào shénme míngzì? I can listen, speak, read and write 21 Chinese Simple Initials

6 问候 wèn hòu (Greeting) Q: 你好! Nǐ Hǎo! (Hello!) A: 你好! Nǐ Hǎo!

7 自我介紹 (Self-Introduction)
Nǐ hǎo Wǒ jiào Q: 你好!我叫张妙文。(My name is 张妙文.) A: 你好!我叫_______。(My name is ___.)

8 问别人的名字 (Ask someone’s name)
A: 你好! Nǐ Hǎo! 你叫什么名字?Nǐ jiào shénme míngzì? (What is your name?) B: 我叫________。Wǒ jiào

9 问别人的名字 (Ask someone’s name)
A:她/他叫什么名字? Tā jiào shénme míngzì? (What is his/her name?) B: 她/他叫_______. Tā jiào _________.

10 说话练习 shuō Huà liàn xí (Speaking Practice)
A: 你好! Nǐ Hǎo! 我叫________。 Wǒ jiào 你叫什么名字? Nǐ jiào shénme míngzì? (What is your name?) B: 我叫________。 Wǒ jiào A: 他/她叫什么名字? Tā jiào shénme míngzì? (What is his/her name?) B: 他/她叫________。 Tā jiào

11 练习说话 liàn xí shuō Huà (Practice Speaking)
Say hello to 3 classmates. Tell them your name and ask their names in Chinese.

12 汉语拼音 Hàn Yǔ Pīnyīn (Chinese Pinyin)
b d g j zh z P t k q ch c m n h x sh s F l r

13 四声 sì shēng (Chinese four tones)
b bā bá bǎ bà P pī pí pǐ pì m mā má mǎ mà F fā fá fǎ fà

14 四声 sì shēng (Chinese four tones)
d dā dá dǎ dà t tī tí tǐ tì n nā ná nǎ nà l lā lá lǎ là

15 四声 sì shēng (Chinese 4 tones)
Maybe huh? OK No/Yes bā bá bǎ bà

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