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Organize Your Research

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1 Organize Your Research
Note Cards

2 Start with a pack of 3 x 5 Cards
By using this system, you create note cards from blank 3x5 or 5x7 index cards that you fill with information pertinent to the subject that you are researching.  The organization of the information can readily be adapted to use with word processing...

3 Identify the Purpose of the source information
In the upper left corner of the card, "code" the topic of your paper, and where in the outline it may fall The source may be “data support,” “counter claim,” or “expert opinion” etc.

4 Identify the source In the upper right corner, place the author's name and/or title and page number (url) It is essential to give your sources credit in your speech. If you don’t know where the information came from, it is not valuable.

5 Why is this “found” information important?
In the body of the card, enter one single fact or thought you'd like to include in your speech

6 Summarize On the back of the card, summarize the main ideas that you would like to use from the source.

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