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Our International Year

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1 Our International Year
Windy Nook Primary School

2 European Day of Languages
Raised awareness of other languages and cultures Sparked an interest in learning a new language Learnt simple words and phrases in the focused language Learnt songs in a different language

3 Global Vision Children understood that we are all different but equal.

4 Universal Children’s Day
Children developed confidence learning about, understanding and knowing their rights Understood the importance of rights Continued to develop consideration for others and realised the importance of helping others who are in difficult situations Children developed an understanding of issues happening in the news and compared their lives to children with these issues

5 Pen Pals Provided a real life context for writing in French.
Children found out about the lives of pupils living in France and compared the similarities and differences. Developed an understanding for people who speak a different language.

6 Refugee Week Children gained an understanding of why people become refugees. Children took part in activities that help tell the world about the difficulty of refugees. Children empathised with refugees. Parents developed their understanding of refugees and why they are escaping their homes.

7 Climate Week Learnt about our impact on the world.
Understood how we can use Earth's resources without having a negative impact on the future of the Earth

8 Festivals around the World
Children continued to develop their awareness and understanding of other religions, cultures, traditions and beliefs. Children continued to develop respect for people with different beliefs to themselves.

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