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Presentation on theme: "AP LITERATURE AND COMPOSITION"— Presentation transcript:

November 4, 2011 Mr. Houghteling “It’s an ‘Edna gets Freaky’ Friday, and because it’s Friday, you know what that means…” AP LITERATURE AND COMPOSITION

2 “it’s great to be alive!”

3 Review Gender Criticism The Men and Women Chart Oral Reading
AGENDA Review Gender Criticism The Men and Women Chart Oral Reading

4 Gender Criticism and The awakening
“Edna had once told Madame Ratignolle that she would never sacrifice herself for her children, or for any one. Then had followed a rather heated argument; the two women did not appear to understand each other or to be speaking the same language” (47).

5 Gender Criticism and The awakening
About Edna: “The sentiment which she entertained for Robert in now way resembled that which she felt for her husband” (47). About Edna: “[Edna’s thoughts and emotions]…belonged to her and were her own and…she had a right to them and that they concerned no one but herself” (47).

6 Gender Criticism and The awakening
Leonce: “I came…to talk to you about Edna. I don’t know what ails her” (65). Leonce: “She’s got some sort of notion in her head concerning the eternal rights of women” (65).

7 Gender Criticism Table
Women discussing Men Women discussing Women Men discussing Women Men discussing Men Edna “But the thought of [Robert] was like an obsession, ever pressing upon her” (54). Mlle. Reisz “…the artist must posses the courageous soul” (63) Leonce “I came…to talk to you about Edna. I don’t know what ails her” (65) Dr. Mandelet “I hope to heaven it isn’t Alcee Arobin” (71). “…she had resolved never again to belong to another than herself” (80).

8 HOMEWORK Our conversation Monday will ASSUME you have finished reading the book!


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