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COSMOS Overview and Installation

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1 COSMOS Overview and Installation
Mark McCraw Hi, I'm Mark McCraw and today I'm going to talk about what COSMOS is, the current installation process for COSMOS, and what an SDD driven installation process might look like for COSMOS. I want to start by talking a bit about what COSMOS is, because I suspect a lot of the folks at the meeting today, like myself, have been involved in looking into the SDD aspects of COSMOS, but aren't terribly familiar with the rest of the effort, and there's a lot of functionality covered by the rest of COSMOS. I believe we're fortunate enough to have some of the contributing members and architects of the other branches of COSMOS with us in the meeting today, so I'd like very much if they would fill in any gaps they see me leaving or correct me on concepts that I don't have quite right.

2 What is COSMOS (conceptually)?
COmmunity-driven Systems Management in Open Source Solves the problem of how to format, organize, and make available information which models computer systems in a system-independent, standards-compliant way. This tells us something about the problem the project is trying to solve, which, in a nutshell, is how to format, organize, and make available information about computer systems. It's then up to the commercial community to take these efforts and wrap them in offerings that use the data to increase service efficiency and reliability, and to help IT departments meet performance, availability, and cost objectives.

3 How is the problem solved?
Provide tools for software vendors to use to produce SML which describes their product Provide code that can be used as the foundation of commercial offerings that can share, query, and consume the data COSMOS is working to hold up its end of the bargain on two fronts: 1) by providing software developers and architects with tools for creating standards-based, machine consumable data about their offerings (we'll talk about the specifics of SML and SML-IF shortly) and 2) by providing code libraries that will allow IT-facing software developers to create applications that can share, query, and consume the produced data.

4 What is COSMOS (tangibly)?
A collection of four efforts: Management Enablement Resource Modeling Data Collection and Normalization Data Reporting COSMOS is not a single product, but a collection of four efforts: Data Reporting, Data Collection and Normalization, Management Enablement, Resource Modeling. The code deliverables for each effort are constrained to separate packages, and can be downloaded separately.

5 Management Enablement
Still in design phase? As far as I can tell, there are no deliverables in the area to date, and the functionality of COSMOS's contribution in this area doesn't seem to be well defined yet. Does someone from this branch of COSMOS care to share more information on the effort, and can someone talk about the goals of management enablement?

6 Resource Modeling Targeted for software developers and architects
Deliverable is a set of Eclipse plugins SML validator and SML-IF Editor Goal: Make it easy for developers to produce data about their own products From the wiki: "...aims to provide support for building a common model to represent the information being shared in a system management scenario. The project is proposing to use SML as the xml schema language to define this common model. The SML-IF interchange format will be used to share model components between the tools involved in a system management activity." For the future: Tooling to create SML documents based on SML templates which are built with the template editor -> drag and drop editor based on GEF (the Eclipse Graphical Editing Framework).

7 Data Collection And Normalization
Deliverables are Eclipse plugins here as well collect raw data adapt to normalized form prepare message apply additional normalization or transformation rules (this hook is established as an extension point for developers who are adding features) persist the event (and its identifiers, time stamps, original and transformed values). additional comments from COSMOS DC folks? Goal is "delivery of a framework that provides a well-defined set of service interface types that facilitate the discovery and control of monitoring agents as well as related data services such as collection, transformation, filtering, persistence, and query"

8 Data Reporting Present data gathered by the data collection branch to end users Enable report creation, queries, interfaces for CMDBf registration etc. Primary deliverables are web applications and web services Consists of COSMOSUI Web Application, which also relies on COSMOSReportViewer Web Application. Allows users to view reports of data gathered by the Data Collection and Normalization effort and perform CMDBf queries of registered MDRs.

9 Installation Walkthrough
I11 Demo What we're looking at today is an installation of the i11 Demo, which focuses on deploying some server-side reference implementations for the data reporting effort, sample supporting data for those web applications and web services, and a CLI administrative client.

10 Verify Required Installations and downloads
Must be installed: Java v5.0_15 required (IBM any version or Sun 5.0_15) (not bundled) Tomcat v5.5 (not bundled) Packages that must be downloaded Axis2 v1.3 war (not bundled) Latest BIRT (bundled) DOJO v1.0.2 (bundled?) COSMOS demo zip (bundled, obviously)

11 Installation/Configuration
A java application is provided which does the installation and configuration necessary for the demo: <cosmos-demo>/bin/configDemo.bat 5 parameters Tomcat home Location of <cosmos-demo> Location of BIRT zip Location of DOJO zip Location of Axis2 war Open terminal window cd to Desktop\COSMOS_Downloads\cosmos-demo\bin Run configDemo.bat "C:\Program Files\Tomcat" "C:\Documents and Settings\mamccr\Desktop\COSMOS_Downloads\cosmos-demo" "C:\Documents and Settings\mamccr\Desktop\COSMOS_Downloads\" "C:\Documents and Settings\mamccr\Desktop\COSMOS_Downloads\dojo-release zip" "C:\Documents and Settings\mamccr\Desktop\COSMOS_Downloads\axis2.war" </subPoint> <subPoint id="Start Tomcat"/> <subPoint id="Load UI"> No Data Managers?!? We have to register some using the CLI COSMOS administration client: cd Desktop\COSMOS_Downloads\cosmos-demo\cosmos-client run cosmosClient.bat enter broker registerAllDataManagers - the broker keeps track of all the data managers. COSMOS clients query the broker to locate data managers. The command we just ran registers all COSMOS data managers that are deployed on an Axis2 web service container with the broker. reload the UI What do queries look like? You have to make a query against its relevant MDR. A query is an XML formatted request that looks like the examples in C:\Documents and Settings\mamccr\Desktop\COSMOS_Downloads\cosmos-demo\cosmos-client\cmdbfQuery\SMLMDR Not going to try to walk through a demo of the end product, but it demonstrates some of the reporting tools acting on sample data, and demonstrates the ability to interact with data managers.

12 SDD for COSMOS demo 1st draft attempt by Jeff Hamm, Julia McCarthy, and Mark McCraw

13 Future SDD COSMOS integration?
Use the SMLMDR both to retrieve information as a step in system query and to update the repository discovered information about a system that didn't previously exist? Create a SDDMDR that implements CMDBf interfaces for query and registration to store the data about an install when it is complete. This repository could possibly be used during future installs as part of the system query Other thoughts?

14 Q&A Questions? Comments?

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