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Assigned to the WEQ OASIS and WEQ OASIS/BPS Subcommittees

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Presentation on theme: "Assigned to the WEQ OASIS and WEQ OASIS/BPS Subcommittees"— Presentation transcript:

1 Assigned to the WEQ OASIS and WEQ OASIS/BPS Subcommittees
2019 Annual Plan Items Assigned to the WEQ OASIS and WEQ OASIS/BPS Subcommittees 3/26/2019

2 2019 Annual Plan Item 2a Posting of additional curtailment information on OASIS (Joint BPS/OASIS) 3/26/2019

3 API 2a FERC Initiated in Order 890 P. 1627
We agree with suggestions for the posting of additional curtailment information on OASIS and, therefore, require transmission providers, working through NAESB, to develop a detailed template for the posting of additional information on OASIS regarding firm transmission curtailments. Transmission providers need not implement this new OASIS functionality and any related business practices until NAESB develops appropriate standards. These postings must include all circumstances and events contributing to the need for a firm service curtailment, specific services and customers curtailed (including the transmission provider’s own retail loads), and the duration of the curtailment. 3/26/2019

4 API 2a Posting of Curtailment Information
Focus on interconnection-wide curtailments (e.g., IDC for the Eastern Interconnection, ECC for WECC) Whenever scheduled transactions are impacted on the TP’s system, the TP must ensure that all actions issued under the procedure are provided, even if they are on other systems. Subcommittees have drafted business practice standards Standards require RC to provide requisite information for the OASIS posting. Draft is out for informal comments – due 3/18/19 3/26/2019

5 API 2a Current Work Effort
BPS/OS Challenges on 2019 API 2a No current commitment from EI (EIDSN) Western RC is in flux (CAISO, SPP, et al) Western RC function expected to stand up by end of 2019 Question on timing of submitting recommendation Finish standard language and submit knowing that Transmission Providers may not be able to post data and data formats may not align with the RC data Finish coordination with EI and WECC RCs prior to submitting standards 3/26/2019

6 2019 Annual Plan Item 3a Requirements for OASIS to Use Data in the Electric Industry Registry (OASIS Subcommittee) 3/26/2019

7 API 3a Requested in R12001 Transmission providers are required to register certain information in the Electric Industry Registry. However, there are no requirements for OASIS to use or obtain that same data from EIR. For consistency and transparency, create requirements for OASIS to obtain and use information from the EIR. Status Initial scoping discussion underway. Primary focus to be on the interchange aspect of data sharing. 3/26/2019

8 2019 Annual Plan Item 3b/3f 2018 Annual Plan Items:
3c: Notification for the Rollover Rights Renewal Deadline (PTP) 3h: Removal of HTTP Notification and establishment of a generic structure (OASIS Subcommittee) Completed in 4th Q 2018 3/26/2019

9 2019 Annual Plan Items 3c/3e (Formerly 2018 API 3d/3g)
3c: Review and Make Needed Modifications to NITS on OASIS 3e: Define eligibility and treatment of NITS Rollover rights (OASIS Subcommittee) These items being worked concurrently 3/26/2019

10 API 3c/3e New in 2018 -- assigned to the OASIS subcommittee
High need, high effort Due 2019 3 categories of effort Minor Corrections – typos, etc Minor OASIS Issues (Technical modifications only) Eight (8) issues identified in first subcommittee discussion Major OASIS Issues (Business Practice Standards & Technical modifications) Seventeen (17) issues identified in first subcommittee discussion 3/26/2019

11 API 3c/3e Minor Corrections and minor OASIS issues addressed in draft standards (3c) Scoping underway for NITS renewal rights (3e) Anticipate draft recommendation prior to October EC meeting. 3/26/2019

12 2019 Annual Plan Item 3d Evaluate Need for Standards for Coordination of Partial Path Reservations (OASIS Subcommittee) Not started 3/26/2019

13 2019 Annual Plan Item 3g Modification to Next Hour Market (NHM) Business Practices (OASIS Subcommittee) Completed in 1st Q 2019 3/26/2019

14 2019 Annual Plan Item Summary
API # Assignment Description Target Completion 2a BPS/OS OASIS posting of curtailment data 2020 3a OS Data sharing between EIR and OASIS TBD 3b/3f Dynamic Notification (PTP)/HTTP retirement and generic dynamic notification methodology Completed 3c/3e NITS Phase 1 clean-up and NITS Renewal approach 2019 3d Partial Path coordination Not started 3g Next Hour Market standards modification 3/26/2019

15 2019 Annual Plan Items Questions and/or guidance from the Executive Committee? 3/26/2019

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