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Revolutionary War on Wednesday

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1 Revolutionary War on Wednesday
Vocabulary Words – Chapters 3 & 4

2 weary Define: physically or mentally tired; fatigued.
Example: . The stress of his job made him weary. Ask: What are things that make you weary?

3 loomed Define: to appear or come into view, often as a very large, dim, or twisted shape.. Example: The monster loomed in the heavy mist of the dark forest. Ask: How does it make you feel if someone looms over you?

4 conflict Define: to disagree strongly; differ.
Example: The colonists and the British disagreed and went to war. Ask: Tell about a time you had a conflict with a friend.

5 dignity Define: one's sense of worth; pride or self-respect .
Example: She behaved with dignity even though they were not nice to her. Ask: When have you behaved with dignity?

6 eager Define: wanting something very much.
Example: We were eager for the game to begin. Ask: What event do you feel eager about?

7 survive Define: stay alive.
Example: Living things must have their needs met in order to survive. Ask: What are the needs of plants?

8 supply Define: to provide; make available. (verb)
Example: The art teacher had to supply paint for the project. Define: materials kept for use as needed. (noun) Example: The students each had a pouch with their supplies inside of it. Ask: What type of supplies would you need for a camping trip?

9 Invisible Define: not able to be seen; not visible
Example: The house was invisible behind all the trees. Ask: If you could be invisible, what would you choose to do with that ability?

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