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Thanks for taking part in this study

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Presentation on theme: "Thanks for taking part in this study"— Presentation transcript:

1 Thanks for taking part in this study
Thanks for taking part in this study! We currently have the plan to carry out a new experiment and try to formulate the direction of its hypothesis. To achieve this, we are running this online study and need you to go through some potential materials and procedures that would be used in the new experiment. Your help is important because the new experiment is going to run in a laboratory setting with individuals who are just similar to you (e.g. in terms of age). The next few pages will give you an idea of how the experiment works. Your task will be to predict how those actual participants in the lab would respond (further guidelines will be given).

2 In the experiment, participants see a mix of magic trick videos and food images presented one at a time (similar to what you are going to see in your task).

3 MAGIC TRICKS When a magic trick video is shown, participants need to think about how curious they are to learn about the solution behind the trick. They will be asked to make a rating to report their curiosity level about how much they want to know the solution of the magic trick, using a 7-point ‘Curiosity scale’. In your task here, you are going to give a rating to estimate how curious you think other people would be to learn about the solution behind each magic trick that is shown.

4 MAGIC TRICKS After seeing the video, a wheel of fortunate appears. The wheel of fortune represents certain probability of getting to see the solution or receiving an electric shock. Participants need to decide whether they are willing to accept the lottery or not. If they accept the lottery, they may get a token to see the solution of magic tricks at the end of the experiment (i.e. participant wins). But there is also possibility that participants receive a token to receive electric shocks at the end of the experiment (i.e. lose). The probability of winning/losing is indicated by the wheel of fortune presented. Back in the lab, participants actually get electric stimulation, at a level which has been described as uncomfortable (yet still safe). The electric stimulation is applied through a metal bar electrode attached to the participant’s finger.   When participants see the wheel of fortune above, they need to choose whether to ‘ACCEPT’ or ‘REJECT’ the lottery.

5 MAGIC TRICKS If participants accept the lottery, the outcome of the lottery (win or lose) will be presented immediately. If they reject the lottery, they will see the next video or picture. Tokens will be exchanged in some way at the end of the experiment (computed by an algorithm of the programme based on the participant’s performance). As a simple rule to remember, the more tokens for the solution they win, the more solutions they are likely to see at the end of the experiment. Similarly, the more tokens for electric shock they obtain, the more electric shocks they might receive at the end. In your task here, we want you to make a prediction about the behaviours of other participants in the lab in each scenario (i.e. given the same magic video and lottery presented each time). In short, whether you think other people would ‘ACCEPT’ or ‘REJECT’ that lottery. Note: Unlike the participants in the lab, you will NOT receive the shocks or see the solutions to the magic tricks here.

6 FOOD Apart from the magic tricks, participants also see pictures of food items. When they see a food picture, they need to indicate how much they would like to eat that food. Similarly, in your task, you are going to give a rating to estimate how much you think other people would want to eat the food that is shown.

7 FOOD Then, there will be a wheel of fortunate, which represents certain probability of getting the food or getting a shock. Again, participants need to decide whether they are willing to accept the lottery or not. If they accept the lottery, they may get a token to get the food at the end of the experiment (i.e. participant wins). But there is also possibility that participants receive a token to get electric shocks at the end of the experiment (i.e. lose). The probability of winning/losing is indicated by the wheel of fortune presented. Back in the lab, participants get electric stimulation at a level which has been described as uncomfortable (yet still safe). The electric stimulation is applied through a metal bar electrode attached to the participant’s finger. When participants see the wheel of fortune above, they choose whether to ‘ACCEPT’ or ‘REJECT’ the lottery.

8 FOOD If participants accept the lottery, the outcome of the lottery (win or lose) will be presented immediately. If they reject the lottery, they will see the next video or picture. Tokens will be exchanged in some way at the end of the experiment (computed by an algorithm of the programme based on the participant’s performance). As a simple rule to remember, the more tokens for the food they win, the more food they are likely to get at the end of the experiment. Similarly, the more tokens for electric shock they obtain, the more electric shocks they might receive at the end. In your task here, we want you to make a prediction about the behaviours of other participants in the lab in each scenario (i.e. given the same food item and lottery presented each time). In short, whether you think other people would ‘ACCEPT’ or ‘REJECT’ that lottery. Note: Unlike the participants in the lab, you will NOT receive the shocks or get the food here.

9 This is the last Instruction.
As a summary, by accepting lotteries, participants will get tokens for the solutions to magic tricks, foods, and electric shocks. These tokens will be exchanged in certain way at the end of the experiment (computed by an algorithm of the programme based on the participant’s performance). As a simple rule of thumb, the more tokens collected, the more likely the participant will see the solutions, get foods, and experience electric shocks. In your task here, we want you to make a prediction about the behaviours of other participants in the lab in each lottery. That is, whether you think other people would ‘ACCEPT’ or ‘REJECT’ that lottery. Note: Unlike the participants in the lab, you will NOT receive the shocks, get the food or see the solutions to magic tricks here.

10 Press SPACE when you are ready to continue
To give you a better idea of how the task proceeds, you are now going to do a practice run. Press SPACE when you are ready to continue


12 This is the end of the practice
This is the end of the practice. The main task is about to begin and will take around 40 minutes to complete. When you are ready, press [space bar] to continue the task.

13 When you are ready, press [space bar] to continue the task.
‘Excellent, nice try! FINAL NOTE - In the following games, you will see a mix of magic trick videos and food images shown to you one at a time. In each trial, after either a magic trick or a food item is presented, a wheel of fortune appears. The wheel of fortune represents certain probability of getting a reward (i.e. getting to see the solution to a magic trick or obtaining a food item) or receiving an electric shock. What you are going to see here will be similar to what will be presented to other participants physically in the lab, except that they will actually get to receive rewards and electric stimulation based on their performance on the gambles. You task here is to predict what you think other people in the lab will do in each gamble. That is, if you were them, whether you think they would ‘ACCEPT’ or ‘REJECT’ that lottery.’ When you are ready, press [space bar] to continue the task.

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