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status of TPC experiment

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1 status of TPC experiment
4/28/2019 status of TPC experiment CH2 (V,H) (4.5, 5.7 M events) C (V,H) (3.6, 3.8 M) Cu (V,H) (1.4, 1.4 M) in this cycle Data storage (3.1TB) on saho is full! → share data with AS (closer communication!) DC efficiency is low Inactive area of DC around beam axis SC time resolution is bad ~400ps →use Tagger for RF, new SC will be installed in this weekend AC efficiency ~96% → change the magnetic shield 6/24~7/13 next beam time 4/28/2019 TPC meeting

2 Inactive area of DC1 around beam axis
LH2 TPC hole 4/28/2019 TPC meeting

3 DC efficiency DC1X 98-99% DC1U wire position dependence
run , 10runs DC1X 98-99% DC1U wire position dependence DC2,DC % cut condition ntof = 1, ntrk = 1 abs(pm( )<0.5 -1600<vtz<-1400 4/28/2019 TPC meeting

4 Width of DC TDC ? ? 4/28/2019 TPC meeting

5 Start counter time resolution
4/28/2019 Start counter time resolution special set-up target after slewing corr SC sta_sqr 10cm β 0.8<β<1.0 σ= 370pS not enough to solve RF 4/28/2019 TPC meeting

6 solve RF use new param. from slewing corr. run
make rf param. by selecting high mom. particles Use STA to solve RF/ Use wrong-RF to solve RF 4/28/2019 TPC meeting

7 Use SC to solve RF strange β sta_sqr β TOF corr. 4/28/2019 TPC meeting

8 Use SC to solve RF -1600<vtz<-1400 still there are miss-ID
4/28/2019 TPC meeting

9 Use wrong-RF to solve RF
β β 4/28/2019 TPC meeting

10 Use wrong-RF to solve RF
-1600<vtz<-1400 still there are miss-ID 4/28/2019 TPC meeting

11 Another approach to solve RF
Use tagger σ~250pS is expected → input into HRTDC new variable hrTagPL(7) in /np1b/v01/niiyama/tmp/lepsanaTPC/bin4/r2951*.nt multiplicity of hit looks significant. They indicate same RF? save several RF candidate and mass in LEPSana, try to select correct one by TPC scintillators or kinematical constraint 4/28/2019 TPC meeting

12 runge-kutta tracking Field map has been included.
Minuit spends many iteration >100 What should we check? comparison with circle fit chi2 and # of iteration correlation of residual on various param. please give me advice 4/28/2019 TPC meeting

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