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NSW State of the Environment 2012

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Presentation on theme: "NSW State of the Environment 2012"— Presentation transcript:

1 NSW State of the Environment 2012

2 NSW State of the Environment 2012
Background Framework and structure Key messages SoE in 2013 & beyond

3 Background Prepared every three years in accordance with s.10 of the POEA Act 1991 Provides a detailed snapshot of the NSW environment in 2012 and some longer term trends SoE 2012 will be the eighth report since 1993 EPA report but the Minister must table in Parliament

4 Foundations History lies in the OECD reporting model:
Pressure – State (Condition) – Response Anthropogenic drivers added in People and the Environment chapter Multiagency engagement and verification Independent review

5 Framework – ‘Environmental Resources’
Five chapters: 1 People and the environment 2 Atmosphere 3 Land 4 Water 5 Biodiversity 22 environmental issues 87 indicators

6 Structure – Pressure–State–Response
Consistent structure for each issue Summary and key messages Headline and summary, indicators Detailed content Status and trends (current condition) Pressures Responses to the issue (established, developing, future opportunities)

7 Key Findings

8 Recycling:

9 Waste:

10 Water usage:

11 Air quality:

12 Water quality:




16 SoE in 2013 … Use by environmental managers
Targeted at managers and decision-makers Puts their in-depth knowledge into a broader context, with links back to other areas Complements other reporting systems, e.g: NSW 2021 State of Catchments On-line air data

17 … & beyond Potential for ‘live reporting’ as data and information sources go online SOE in the EPA

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