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Welcome to India vocabulary.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to India vocabulary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to India vocabulary

2 Subcontinent A large landmass that is geographically separated from the rest of the continent

3 Indus Plain A vast, dry region south of the Himalayas that is made fertile by deposits of silt from the Indus River

4 Indus River A river that flows from Tibet, through the Himalayas to the Arabian Sea

5 Himalayas The world’s highest mountain range, forming the northern border of the Indian subcontinent

6 Citadel walled fort that protects a city

7 Migrate to move from one place to another

8 Harappa city of the ancient harappan civilization

9 Mohenjo-Daro City of the ancient harappan civilization

10 Hinduism the religion of India that grew out of the beliefs of the ancient Aryan peoples; it stresses that one main force connects all of life

11 Vedas the ancient books of sacred songs, much of which its religious beliefs are based

12 Caste system the social system in Hindu society in which a persons place is determined by the rank of the family into which he or she is born

13 Reincarnation a Hindu belief that people move in a constant cycle of life, death and rebirth

14 Dharma Laws and duties

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