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Scale of quota assessments of the Member States

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1 Scale of quota assessments of the Member States 2012-2014
Secretariat for Administration and Finance

2 Summary The scale methodology
First three-year review of scale under link to the UN, adopted in 2007 by the GA in AG/RES. 1 (XXXIV – E/07). Calculation of ability to pay is now automatic, based on World Bank/IMF published data (GNI, external debt). Assessments determined by income and relative size of the economies, discounted for low-income countries and variations capped at 25% of level under previous scale. 4/27/2019 2 2

3 Content Background Ability to pay Methodology
Economic growth and scale of assessments 4/27/2019 3 3

4 I Background 4/27/2019 4 4

Article 55 “The General Assembly shall establish the bases for fixing the quota that each Government is to contribute to the maintenance of the Organization, taking into account the ability to pay of the respective countries and their determination to contribute in an equitable manner” (emphasis added).

6 BACKGROUND 1948 The OAS is established. Charter mandates that contributions be based on the Member states’ capacity to pay. Is first applied in 1949. The OAS scale was calculated on the basis of the quotas assessed to OAS Member states at the UN The quota scale was frozen with the proposal to lower the maximum quota (United States).

7 BACKGROUND 1990’s New scales approved upon arrival of new members: Canada (1990), Belize and Guyana (1992) Member countries began to call for the need to review the scale in order to comply with the Charter (capacity to pay). 1996 CAAP considers several options for a new quota scale, based on the UN scale of assessments

8 BACKGROUND 2006 A group of experts convened by the Permanent Council discusses alternatives presented. A transitory scale for is adopted pending deliberation of a final proposal. General Assembly reaches a consensus on a methodology for calculating the scale and approves it in a special session in resolution AG/RES. 1 (XXXIV-E/07) 2007 First period under which a quota scale calculated under the approved methodology becomes effective

9 II Ability to Pay 4/27/2019 9 9

10 “Ability to pay” The basis for measuring
Size of the economy (Gross National Income) adjusted for: Total external debt Per capita income Application of floor and ceiling rates Quota growth/decline capped at 25% of previous period 4/27/2019 10 10

11 III Methodology 4/27/2019 11 11

12 The Data GNI data for base periods of 6 and 3 years for the periods and Obtained through the United Nations website and Annual Statistical Reports published by the ECLAC. External debt data: The World Bank’s Global Development Finance 2011 and ECLAC reports 4/27/2019 12 12

13 Methodology Steps for the calculation of the scale of quotas:
Step 1: GNI figures in US dollars are used to calculate shares of GNI for each Member State. The figures are averaged for each period of 6 and 3 years. See Attachment I. Step 2: The debt adjustment for each year is deducted to derive the debt-adjusted GNI for each statistical base. Debt adjustment is equal to one-eight of total outstanding debt stock. See Attachments III and IV. Step 3: Application of the low Per Capita income adjustment. This involves the calculation of the median debt-adjusted Per Capita GNI during each base period. These figures are the thresholds for the low Per Capita income adjustments. See Attachment V. 4/27/2019 13 13

14 Methodology Step 4: The GNI of each country whose debt-adjusted Per Capita GNI was below the 30th percentile is reduced by 80% (gradient) of the percentage by which its debt-adjusted Per Capita GNI is below the threshold. See Attachment VI. Step 5: The total amount of the low Per Capita income adjustment is reallocated pro rata to Member States whose debt-adjusted Per Capita GNI was above the 30th percentile, except the ceiling country. See Attachment VI. Step 6: The minimum assessment rate, or floor (0.022%), is applied to those Member States whose rate is lower. Pro rata reductions are applied to all other Member States, except the ceiling country. See Attachment VII. 4/27/2019 14 14

15 Methodology Step 7: Application of the maximum assessment rate (59.470%). Increases corresponding to the resulting reduction for the ceiling country are applied pro rata to other Member States, except those affected by the floor rate. See Attachment VII. Step 8: An arithmetic average of the statistical base periods of 6 and 3 years is calculated for each Member State. See Attachment VII. Step 9: Application of the maximum limits for increases/decreases in the Member States’ assessment, established at 25%. Corresponding increases/decreases are distributed pro rata among the Member States, except those affected by the floor and ceiling rates. See Attachment VIII. The summary results of each step is presented in Annex IX. 4/27/2019 15 15

16 IV Economic growth and scale of assessments 4/27/2019 16 16

17 Economic Growth

18 Economic Growth

19 Economic Growth

20 Scale of assessments

21 Explaining changes to the scale of assessments
Economic growth may explain, in most cases, increases or decreases to a member state’s quota Even though a member state may have experienced growth, its overall quota may be reduced if the relative size of the economy is less than the previous quota (e.g. Argentina) Large increases to major contributors tend to “crowd out” or diminish the relative size of others and contribute to their reduction (e.g. Brazil, Canada and Mexico) Caps on growth or reductions will affect the contributions of other member states due to the redistribution of excess percentages 4/27/2019 21 21

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