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Presentation on theme: "OLD MAN AND THE SEA 10TH GRADE ENGLISH."— Presentation transcript:


2 Hemingway was a famous_____________writer.
#1 Hemingway was a famous_____________writer. A: Canadian B: English C: Irish D: American

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5 #2 Dentuso is A: shark B: tuna C: dolphin D: Old man

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8 #3 Manolin A: sea B: Young boy C: author D: Pub owner

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11 #4 El Campion A: state B: Type of food C: Old man’s nickname D: shark

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14 #5 Bonito A: Kind of tuna B: dolphin C: hat D: girl

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17 #6 “La Mar” A: sea B: pencil C: Baseball player D: tuna

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20 #7 DiMaggio is…? A: B: C: D: Name of boat Santiago’s brother
Name of the restaurant D: Baseball great

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23 #8 Marlin A: tuna B: The “big” fish C: Young boy D: Old man

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26 #9 Martin A: Baseball great B: author C: Pub/restaurant owner D: shark

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29 #10 Pedrico is the… A: B: C: D: Pub/restaurant owner
Old man’s nickname C: Young boy D: Person who received the head of the fish

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32 #11 Santiago is the… A: Old man B: shark C: island D: Young boy

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35 Santiago has the least respect for the….
#12 Santiago has the least respect for the…. A: Young boy B: Other fisherman C: shark D: sea

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38 The story takes place in….
#13 The story takes place in…. A: Puerto Rico B: Cuba C: United States D: Jamaica

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41 The boy is no longer fishing with Santiago because…
#14 The boy is no longer fishing with Santiago because… A: He gets seasick. B: He got another job. C: Santiago is having bad luck. D: He broke his leg.

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44 Why does Santiago decide not to sell the “big” fish?
#15 Why does Santiago decide not to sell the “big” fish? A: No one is worthy to eat it. B: He likes the fish too much. He decides to set it free. C: He won’t get much money. D:

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47 Santiago earned his nickname in a …. Arm wrestling competition
#16 Santiago earned his nickname in a …. Fish competition A: Arm wrestling competition B: Baseball game C: Bar fight D:

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50 In the end, Santiago realizes …. He will never be able to fish again.
#17 In the end, Santiago realizes …. He will never be able to fish again. A: B: He is soon going to die. That he has ruined himself and the fish. C: He should have fished further out. D:

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53 #18 Santiago drinks shark oil because….
It is good against colds and good for the eyes. A: B: He is thirsty. C: He has dry skin. D: He was having bad luck fishing.

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56 #19 Santiago and Manolin’s typical routine consisted of …
Listening to the radio- B: Reading the newspaper C: Watching TV D: fishing

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59 #20 Manolin cries when Santiago comes home because….
He is sick B: He didn’t take him with him He feels bad for the old man’s suffering C: Santiago killed the “big” fish D:

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62 Why does the old man say Hail Marys? He’s praying to get home
#21 Why does the old man say Hail Marys? Because he is religious A: B: He uses them to pray to get fish C: He’s praying to get home D: Because he is dying

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65 One example of symbolism from the book is…. Santiago sailing alone.
#22 One example of symbolism from the book is…. A: Manolin crying when Santiago came home. B: Pulling in the “big” fish. Santiago carrying the mast across his shoulder. C: Santiago sailing alone. D:

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68 What are the contents of the dolphin’s stomach?
#23 What are the contents of the dolphin’s stomach? A: 2 flying fish B: An old pair of shoes C: Clams and oysters D: Seashells

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71 What is the significance of 84 days?
#24 What is the significance of 84 days? A: B: Santiago’s streak of bad luck Weight of the fish C: Length of the boat D: Santiago’s age

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74 Why is Santiago one of Hemmingway’s heroes?
#25 Why is Santiago one of Hemmingway’s heroes? A: He was positive and determined B: He was old He was a bad fisherman C: He was his best friend D:

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77 Great Job!!!! Thank you for playing!

78 Works Cited “Who Wants to be a Millionaire?”. Cascade Union Elementary School District. ND. Cascade Union Elementary School District Technology Services. June 18, 2003. < PPT_Files/millionaire.ppt> :.


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