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Please grab your textbook and sit with your 2 oclock appointment! Discuss two things you learned from mind lab exploration yesterday.

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Presentation on theme: "Please grab your textbook and sit with your 2 oclock appointment! Discuss two things you learned from mind lab exploration yesterday."— Presentation transcript:

1 Please grab your textbook and sit with your 2 oclock appointment! Discuss two things you learned from mind lab exploration yesterday

2 Inside the inner ear Controls balance Stimuli- spinning, falling Overstimulation dizziness

3 Chemical senses Taste (sour, salty, bitter, sweet) Taste + Smell = FLAVOR Pleasure in humans, survival in animals

4 Alerts brain pressure, warmth, cold, pain Pain results from many different stimuli Bright light, Loud noise, Heat Gate theory of pain pojg#t=33 pojg#t=33

5 Sense of movement and body position Works with vestibular and visual senses

6 Vision- Process, cones and rods, color deficiency, binocular fusion Hearing- Process, Cochlea, auditory nerve Balance- vestibular system, where it is located, stimuli, role Smell and Taste- individual process, how they work together Touch- Stimuli, process, gate control theory of pain Kinesthesis- definition, role, what senses it works with

7 v=qLziFMF4DHA#t=474 v=qLziFMF4DHA#t=474 What other senses has Ben relied on since the loss of vision?

8 Please read 223-231 While you read: define vocabulary terms Answer Questions 1-4 on 231

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