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Medical Jeopardy.

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Presentation on theme: "Medical Jeopardy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Medical Jeopardy

2 Final Jeopardy Respiratory Altered Mental Allergies/ Poison OB/GYN Drugs & More $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

3 Respiratory - $100 Active Respiratory process requiring muscles to have energy & function. What is Inspiration?

4 What is Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)?
Respiratory - $200 Disease process that includes emphysema, chronic bronchitis, and black lung. Generally affecting older patients and often caused by smoking. What is Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)?

5 What are signs of Rales (Crackles)?
Respiratory - $300 Bubbly popping sounds heard on inhalation. What are signs of Rales (Crackles)?

6 Respiratory - $400 Airway Beta Agonist. What is Albuterol?

7 What is a Pocket Mask w/ oxygen?
Respiratory - $500 The preferred method for a single provider to give artificial ventilation. What is a Pocket Mask w/ oxygen?

8 What Diabetes Mellitus?
Altered Mental Status - $100 The condition brought about by decreased insulin production What Diabetes Mellitus?

9 What is the Glascow Coma Scale?
Altered Mental Status - $200 Based on verbal, motor, & eye opening. What is the Glascow Coma Scale?

10 Sometimes presenting with “stroke-like” symptoms – Think Low.
Altered Mental Status - $300 Sometimes presenting with “stroke-like” symptoms – Think Low. What is hypoglycemia?


12 What is the Cincinatti Prehospital Stroke Scale?
Altered Mental Status - $400 This screening process will give you a 72% likelihood of stroke. What is the Cincinatti Prehospital Stroke Scale?

13 is a cause of seizures – Think pregnant. What is Eclampsia?
Altered Mental Status - $500 is a cause of seizures – Think pregnant. What is Eclampsia?

14 Allergy + Hypoperfusion
Allergies/Poisons - $100 Allergy + Hypoperfusion What is anaphylaxis?

15 Hormone produced by the body (in the Adrenal Glands).
Allergies/Poisons - $200 Hormone produced by the body (in the Adrenal Glands). What is epinephrine?

16 What are hives (uticaria)?
Allergies/Poisons - $300 Red, itchy, raised blotches. What are hives (uticaria)?

17 What is Carbon Monoxide?
Allergies/Poisons - $400 Results from incomplete combustion. Colorless, odorless. What is Carbon Monoxide?

18 What is the muscle used for epinephrine auto injector?
Allergies/Poisons - $500 Mid-Vastus lateralis (as related to EMS). What is the muscle used for epinephrine auto injector?

19 What is the 3rd Stage of delivery?
OB/GYN - $100 Delivery of placenta What is the 3rd Stage of delivery?

20 respiratory effort, activity, appearance, pulse, grimace.
OB/GYN - $200 respiratory effort, activity, appearance, pulse, grimace. What is the APGAR Score?

21 What is Meconium Staining?
OB/GYN - $300 Suggests fetal distress during labor. What is Meconium Staining?

22 The greatest cause of fetal death.
OB/GYN - $400 The greatest cause of fetal death. What is maternal death?

23 What is a woman in her first pregnancy?
OB/GYN - $500 Primigravida. What is a woman in her first pregnancy?

24 Drugs & More - $100 Specific sign, symptom, or circumstance that makes it appropriate to administer a drug. What are Indications?

25 What is - right patient, medication, dose, and route?
Drugs & More - $200 The four “Rights” What is - right patient, medication, dose, and route?

26 What are prescribed inhaler medications?
Drugs & More - $300 Proventil, albuterol, isoetharine. What are prescribed inhaler medications?

27 Activated Charcoal dosage for Adults & Pediatrics.
Drugs & More - $400 Activated Charcoal dosage for Adults & Pediatrics. What is 1 gm/kg Adult = gm Pediatric = gm?

28 Drugs & More - $500 Medication actions that increase heart rate, dilates bronchioles, and increases the contractile force of the heart. What is a Beta Agonist?

29 FINAL JEOPARDY ~Acronyms~ ?

30 What is Insulin Dependant Diabetes Mellitus?
IDDM What is Insulin Dependant Diabetes Mellitus?

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