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Underwater Ocean Turbines

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Presentation on theme: "Underwater Ocean Turbines"— Presentation transcript:

1 Underwater Ocean Turbines
By: Sarah Razac

2 What are they? Underwater wind turbines that use tidal currents to produce energy and electricity A good source of natural energy Designed in order to decrease the amount of fossil fuels being burned and find an alternative source of unlimited clean energy (air pollution)

3 Why? Underwater turbines don’t produce CO2
More space (underwater rather than on land) Reduce the amount of fossil fuels being burned

4 Success The Ocean Renewable Power Company (ORPC) created the Maine Tidal Energy Project which is a project that uses tidal currents to produce energy Scottish Power tested a 100-foot underwater turbine in ocean waters off the Orkney Islands in 2012 and it produced one megawatt of electricity, enough to power 500 Scottish homes Rance Tidal Power Station in France produced about 96 megawatts enough to power 130,000 houses a year

5 Impacts Reduce the amount of harmful substances in the air
Better for health Can produce more electricity faster than regular wind turbines More homes can get electricity faster Eventually could produce a limitless form of clean and renewable energy

6 Work Cited

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