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TGn Editor Report Sept 2006 Date: Authors: Sept 2006

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1 802.11 TGn Editor Report Sept 2006 Date: 2006-09-19 Authors: Sept 2006
May 2006 doc.: IEEE /0528r0 Sept 2006 TGn Editor Report Sept 2006 Date: Authors: Notice: This document has been prepared to assist IEEE It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE’s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE Patent Policy and Procedures: The contributor is familiar with the IEEE 802 Patent Policy and Procedures <>, including the statement "IEEE standards may include the known use of patent(s), including patent applications, provided the IEEE receives assurance from the patent holder or applicant with respect to patents essential for compliance with both mandatory and optional portions of the standard." Early disclosure to the Working Group of patent information that might be relevant to the standard is essential to reduce the possibility for delays in the development process and increase the likelihood that the draft publication will be approved for publication. Please notify the Chair as early as possible, in written or electronic form, if patented technology (or technology under patent application) might be incorporated into a draft standard being developed within the IEEE Working Group. If you have questions, contact the IEEE Patent Committee Administrator at Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation Bruce Kraemer, Marvell

2 May 2006 doc.: IEEE /0528r0 Sept 2006 Abstract This document summarises editorial activities on the TGn Draft and Comment resolution It also contains a summary of the status of the TGn LB84 comment resolution based on the ad-hoc comment resolution spreadsheets Status as of the start of the TGn session on Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation Bruce Kraemer, Marvell

3 Editorial assistance: Editorial review:
Sept 2006 Acknowledgements Editorial assistance: John Ketchum Editorial review: Amit Bansal, Bjorn A. Bjerke, Eldad Perahia, George Vlantis, Krishna Pillai, Sanjiv Nanda, Solomon Trainin, Tomoko Adachi, Yuichi Morioka Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

4 Related Documents TGn DRAFT (members’ area of 802.11 website)
Sept 2006 Related Documents TGn DRAFT (members’ area of website) P802.11n-D1 03.pdf   n-redline-version-tgn-draft-1-03.pdf   n-task-group-n-draft-d1.03-in-word-format.doc  Comments “owned” by the editor: n-tgn-d1-0-lb84-editorial-plus-duplicates.xls Composite spreadsheet n-tgn-d1-0-lb84.xls Submission Template n-tgn-lb84-submission-template-and-guide.doc Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

5 May 2006 doc.: IEEE /0528r0 Sept 2006 Process for Draft D1.03 Each “A or C” resolution was implemented (if possible). The draft was edited and was also marked with a comment indicating the related CID. The comments spreadsheet was updated with Edit Status and Edit Notes. Edit Notes indicate any interpretation or modification of the resolution that was implemented. Edit Status indicates one of: EI, EM, EMR, ER, EN (see next slide). A complete response to the Comments approved in July in is document 11-06/0706r11 in the “Approved in July” tab. The working draft and spreadsheet were reviewed by editorial volunteers who reported ~200 defects. The defects were corrected, and D1.03 was published. Time required (for ~800 comment resolutions): 2 weeks for initial editing 2 weeks for review 1 week for addressing defects and publication Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation Bruce Kraemer, Marvell

6 Terminology Edit Status (New) Type (Ed) Resolution Status
May 2006 doc.: IEEE /0528r0 Sept 2006 Terminology Edit Status (New) EI = Edited as resolution EM = Edited with minor changes EMR = Edited with changes, recycled for TGn approval ER = Cannot edit, recycled for rework and TGn approval EN = Nothing to do (duplicate of other resolution) Type (Ed) T = Technical ST = Submission Technical DT = Disputed Technical Resolution Status A = Accept R = Reject C/L = Counter/Alternate (equivalent) D = Defer T = Transfer W = Withdraw Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation Bruce Kraemer, Marvell

7 Implementation of “A+C” resolutions approved in July
Sept 2006 Implementation of “A+C” resolutions approved in July Resn Status EI EM EMR EN ER EIR Grand Total A 109 132 29 168 16 1 455 C 80 49 18 226 6 379 189 181 47 394 22 834 Status as in 11-06/0706r11 Since then, reclassified EIR comment to EI Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

8 Treatment of recycled “EMR+ER” comments
Sept 2006 Treatment of recycled “EMR+ER” comments These are comments that need input from the technical ad-hocs, and subsequent re-approval by TGn EMR comments relate to the editor’s “best interpretation” of the resolution, but require TGn re-approval because what the editor implemented was substantively different to the resolution approved by TGn. These comments all need to be discussed, modified (if necessary) and approved by motion in TGn as soon as possible. The editor will then make any necessary adjustments to D1.03 and issue a D1.04 for approval before the end of the next full TGn session. Unhanded EMR comments will probably delay the approval of D1.04 ER comments do not block the approval of D1.04. However it may be instructive for ad-hocs to look at these early rather than late to discover what kind of resolution causes the editor to assign an ER status. Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

9 Graphical summary of process
Sept 2006 Graphical summary of process Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

10 Editorial Actions/Motions this week
Sept 2006 Editorial Actions/Motions this week Action: ad-hoc to collect defects in D1.03 answer questions on EM comments Motion: Approval of “Edit Status”=EM (edit with mods) resolutions Motion: Approval of EMR comments returned after review by ad-hocs Action: revise draft as required to address: Defects identified EMR resolutions that did not agree with what the editor did in D1.03 Motion: approve draft D1.04 Motion: approve resolutions to (~100) editorials Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

11 Status of Comments Database
Sept 2006 Status of Comments Database The LB84 comments are distributed between 13 Excel worksheets in 9 separate files. The comments are regularly checked against the original corpus, held in 11-06/0541r2 to ensure that no comments are lost, and fixed fields of the comments have not been changed. The list of components follows on the next slide. Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

12 Sept 2006 Monday morning status Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

13 Component Files Sept 2006 Document name Version number Short name
May 2006 doc.: IEEE /0528r0 Sept 2006 Component Files Document name Version number Short name Comments 14 editorials Unapproved editorial resolutions 35 beam Beam main sheet 31 general General main sheet 33 mac MAC main sheet 38 phy PHY main sheet 29 psmp PSMP main sheet 34 frame Frame main sheet 03 ca CA Doc main sheet 22 coex Coex main sheet dup Unapproved duplicates edited Edited approved A+C comments no edit required TGn Approved R+W comments Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation Bruce Kraemer, Marvell

14 Status by Component – Unique Tech only
May 2006 doc.: IEEE /0528r0 Sept 2006 Last Updated By A C R L W D ER EMR Blank Total Done % Done approved 1 100 beam 23 97 17 123 4 264 137 51.8 ca 13 7 25 24 96 coex 14 34 20 113 2 202 385 68 17.6 edited 241 126 367 editorials 50 frame 8 9 16 37 69 150 33 22 frame 1364 motion 55 27 107 frame emr motion 11 general 64.7 general emr motion 3 mac 6 79 90 195 11.7 mac 1363 motion 42 21 86 mac 912 motion 18 19 70 mac emr motion 10 no edit required 174 226 258 681 phy 56 52 76 171 176 533 184 34.5 psmp psmp motion 2 66 83 28 177 Totals 750 729 499 554 543 3124 2008 64.2 Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation Bruce Kraemer, Marvell

15 Status by Component – Ad-hoc main sheets
May 2006 doc.: IEEE /0528r0 Sept 2006 Status by Component – Ad-hoc main sheets Last Updated By A C R L W D ER EMR Blank Total Done % Done beam 23 97 17 123 4 264 137 51.8 ca 13 7 1 25 24 96 coex 14 34 20 113 2 202 385 68 17.6 frame 8 9 16 37 69 150 33 22 general 11 64.7 mac 6 79 3 90 195 11.7 phy 56 52 76 171 176 533 184 34.5 psmp Totals 130 206 148 554 542 1606 491 30.6 Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation Bruce Kraemer, Marvell

16 Status by Component – Motion sheets
May 2006 doc.: IEEE /0528r0 Sept 2006 Status by Component – Motion sheets Last Updated By A C R L W D ER EMR Blank Total Done % Done frame 1364 motion 55 27 25 107 100 frame emr motion 2 11 13 general emr motion 1 3 4 mac 1363 motion 42 23 21 86 mac 912 motion 33 18 19 70 mac emr motion 6 10 psmp motion 2 66 83 28 177 Totals 203 171 93 467 Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation Bruce Kraemer, Marvell

17 Sept 2006 Tuesday morning Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

18 EMR status Last Updated By A C EMR Grand Total beam 4 coex 2 8 12
Sept 2006 EMR status Last Updated By A C EMR Grand Total beam 4 coex 2 8 12 frame emr motion 11 13 general emr motion 1 3 mac mac emr motion 5 6 phy motion 3 psmp motion 2 33 47 Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

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