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Structure of Aalborg University

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1 Structure of Aalborg University
Welcome to Aalborg University If you look at the home page for the university (in English) you will see this: The university of course has both education and research and at the moment wee are interested in the structure, so we have too look at the organization, click : The university is governed by the senate, which off course only meets about 8 times a year an mainly discuss the policy of the university. The practical daily work of administrating this policy is done by the rectorat and of the 3 faculties. Lets see who is the rector. Unfortunately he couldn’t be here to day, but he has a message for you.

2 Structure of Aalborg University
University Senate Rectorate Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Engi- neering and Sc. Social Science Departments Study Programmes So now wee have a senate and 3 faculties. Yours is in the middle, and there home page is a picture of the university campus and they are responsible for the education and research within the engineering and science part of the university.

3 Structure of Aalborg University
Secretary and labs Research Teaching University Senate Rectorate Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Engi- neering and Sc. Social Science Institute of Elec- tronic Systems Study Programmes The research is done in different departments and the studies is controlled by study programmes. There are a lot of departments and a little bit confusing the largest department is called an institute, and this is were most of you is working, within the institute of electronic systemet in one of its 3 departments … So we might replace the departments with this specific institute. Every institute has secretaries and labs and are responsible for some research, which is done by you. But you also has to do some teaching, which is why you are following this course. But as a teacher you actually works for a study board controlling one or more of the study programmes, which are : Basic year concentrating on learning the students to work in groups with problem oriented projects that has to be documented in a scientific way. Of course the projects are within the engineering frame they have chosen for their education, so e.g.. All 100 students who have chosen electronic and electrical engineering work within the same theme and are given the same courses. I will later dig a little bit deeper into the study programmes, but as for now it is the structure we are interested in, and you will be teaching within one of the two eee and or computer engineering.

4 Structure of Aalborg University
University Senate Rectorate Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Engi- neering and Sc. Social Science Secretary and labs Research Teaching Project work Course activities Institute of Elec- tronic Systems Computer Eng. Electronic and . So the study programmes mainly consists of project work and courses.

5 Working tasks for VIP’s
Professor Associated Professor Assistent Professor Ph.D. student Research 40% 50% 80% Teaching 20% Administra-tion 10% 0% Lets leave the structure for a while and summarize what are your working tasks, namely research, teaching and taking part in the administration. A professor and an associated professor is basically given the same amount of time for the tree tasks, but of course the professors usually has a main part of their teaching as supervisors for Ph.D students working within the professors research area, and thereby helping with the research. The figures for research and administration are approximately and differs a little bit from year to year depending on how the faculty divides their research capacity, and how good the research is founded by the government. If you get less research and administration you will just get more teaching. The assistant professors are guarantied 50% research time to continue their research education as a Ph.D. student towards a senior researcher. Finally the Ph.D. students are supposed to a little teaching but no administration.

6 Study board for Electronics and Information Technology
So now you all now how much of our time you are supposed to teach, lets have a closer look of the engineering education that you will be teaching. As a teacher you will be working for the study board for Electronics and information technology, or – if you are teaching the first year for the study board for the basic education. The first 1½ year after the basic education there are two sectors the students can follow…. Then there is a possibility to chose among 5 lines each with a number of theses for the last two semesters to become a master of science. After the 6’th semester the student can do a final project and become a bachelor of science but less than 20 % uses this opportunity. So these are the educations that your study board are responsible for, but how is they controlled?

7 Controlling the studies
4.6. INTELLIGENT AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS Objectives and contents of the specialisation The objectives of the specialisation in Intelligent Autonomous Systems are summarised as follows: to provide students with knowledge in modelling of mechanical systems such as spacecraft, ships, and mobile robots, enable the student to apply modern methods of control to problems related to autonomous systems, to analyse methods of state observation, parameter estimation and sensor fusion in mechanical systems, to provide students with a comprehension of supervisory control, fault-tolerant control and fault detection, to let students analyse software architectures for autonomous systems. The courses include necessary general theoretical topics within process control for autonomous systems but modules are also made available in scientific communication and proficiency in English language for those who need it. Controlling the studies Study Regulations: General regulations Sector’s, lines or specialization’s Objectives and content The Danish government has maid some general regulations for all engineering educations in Denmark, both bachelors and masters, which I am sad to say are not published in English. On top of those the faculty of engineering and science have made some general regulations for all engineers educated at Aalborg university, also only in Danish. Based on these general regulations each study board describe what the students have to learn. The first level are the sectors lines and specializations from the last figure. Lets take an example from one of the specializations that are open for foreign students. They actually start already on the 8’the semester and has a length of tree semesters providing the students with an international master degree. Intelligent autonomous systems, which are described by objectives and content of the specialization, held on a general level in stead of specifying courses.

8 Controlling the studies
SPRING Semester – Intelligent Autonomous Systems THEME: Modelling and Control PERIOD: 1 February - 30 June PURPOSE: To give knowledge and comprehension of optimal and robust control theory. To give the students the ability to analyse modern control methods for multi input/multi output systems. To give students the ability to apply modelling methods and control synthesis for advanced mechanical systems. CONTENTS: The project is based on a problem of control and supervision of an autonomous system. The model of the mechanical system has to be derived. The vital part of the project is the choice of the set of actuators and sensors for onboard application. Different control strategies have to be investigated and compared. The supervisor system responsible for autonomy onboard has to be designed. The chosen solution has to be implemented on a real time platform and tested, either by the computer simulations or dedicated hardware. COURSES: Courses will be given in the field of modelling of mechanical systems, supervisory and fault tolerant control, and modern control theory. EXAM: The external oral examination is based on the prepared project documentation. Each student is marked according to the 13-scale. Controlling the studies Study Regulations: General regulations Sector’s, lines or specialization’s Objectives and content Specific semesters Theme When we reach a specific semester it will have a theme, and there is a more detailed description of purpose and content of that semester and its courses, example ….

9 Controlling the studies
Model based tracking for navigation Background As part of an ongoing research project (with Computer Science AAU and The Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences) an autonomous vehicle is developed which navigates autonomously in the field. The aim is to reduce the inputs to the field and monitor the growth of the individual plants, thereby providing obvious environmental and economic advantages over more traditional farming. Purpose It is important in such applications to both navigate accurately in the field but also to be able to identify individual plants. The aim in this project is to use perspective images captures from a camera mounted on the front of the vehicle to provide estimates of structure of the crop rows as well as position of the individual plants. The focus will not be on the image analysis but on sensor fusion with non-vision sensors mounted on the vehicle e.g. wheel encoders, differential GPS as well as integration of information about the known structure of the field. The aim is to use all available information on the autonomous vehicle in order to achieve the best possible estimates of the vehicle and individual plant position (in the order of cm). Methods The project will include: Modeling of vehicle system and plant pattern in the camera image Prediction of the crop structure based on the system models as well as previous measurements (images and data from sensors) Estimation of vehicle position and orientation as well as plant position Algorithms are simulated in the laboratory on simple setup. If possible the algorithms are applied to data acquired in the field. Controlling the studies Study Regulations: General regulations Sector’s, lines or specialization’s Objectives and content Specific semesters Theme Projects Together with the theme their will be some proposals for projects, that the students can do. Based on these descriptions and often and oral presentation from the supervisors the students forms groups (5-6 persons) and chooses one of the project proposals for their project within the semester.

10 Controlling the studies
Study related courses (SE): Fault Detection and Automated Systems Modelling of Mechanical Systems Controller Structures Modelling of Mechanical Systems II Engineering Responsibilities Project related courses (PE): Robust Control Optimal Control Supervisory Control Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic Project Management and Team Building Controlling the studies Study Regulations: General regulations Sector’s, lines or specialization’s Objectives and content Specific semesters Theme Projects Courses For each semester there will also be a list of courses, most of them related to the projects but also some more related to the study in general. Every one of these courses has its own specific description, but I will dig closer into that after lunch.

11 Controlling the studies
Study Regulations: General regulations Sector’s, lines or specialization’s Objectives and content Specific semesters Theme Projects Courses Semester group Finally there will be a semester group responsible for the semester. This group is formed 1-2 month before the semester starts and consists then of all the supervisors and those who are giving the courses. This means that if you are working on different semesters at the same time you might be a member of more than one semester group. This group now has to plan the semester: found out who shall give the courses, discuss eventual changes in the courses. Make new project proposals if necessary (often), make a specific syllabus (calendar plan) for the semester and held an introduction for the students before the semester starts, to tell about the semester content and its projects.

12 Teaching task’s Structure of a semester: Study courses and lectures
Project courses lectures seminar Lecturer/instructor Examination 50% - 33% Examinor Lecturer/instructor So now you know what a semester is , but what is your teaching task’s on a given semester? Depending on what semester we look at the projects takes among 50% (first year) and 67% (9’th semester) of the students time, so a major teaching task is to be supervisor for a project group. The tasks for the supervisor will be a major issue on Wednesday, but now I will say that it is about advising and facilitating. At the end of the semester each of the projects and the members of the project group have to be examined, so the supervisor will now act as an examinator, and there will be appointed another teacher as a censor. So if you for instance is a supervisor for 2 project groups at 6’th semester, you also might be asked to be censor for one of your colleagues on another semester that is within your expertise. The study board pays you some hours for being a supervisor, depending upon which semester it is and how many students there is in the study group, but it will normally correspond to 10 – 15 % of your working time within a semester, meaning that if you e.g.. Is supervisor for four groups, then you will be fully occupied as a teacher (50 %) if you are an associated professor. The rest of the time the students take courses, both the project related ones, where your job is to held lectures but also, as you will know in the afternoon to instruct the students doing exercises. When there are many students following the course (normally more than 5 groups) there will be an extra instructor to help during the exercises, and this job is often done by Ph.D. students who are not yet giving courses them selves. The payment for giving courses depend on the length of the course, but I will tell you about that in the afternoon. The study courses needs lectures and instructors as well, but as they are general courses they have to be examined individually, and this is done by the lecturer, mostly by a written examination without a censor. The study board will pay you ½ hour for each student to make the examination exercises and to control the students answers. Project Supervisor: Advisor and facilitator 50% - 67% Examinor/censor Examination

13 Forming of groups Please form 4 groups of 6 persons
The groups will be used for exercises during the course You will learn the most if you mix as much as possible: Position Teaching experience Department

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