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UNC Modification Proposal 0229

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1 UNC Modification Proposal 0229
Chris Warner

2 Modification Proposal 0229
Sympathetic to aims of Proposal: Allocation of Unallocated Gas Expert (AUGE) Allocation of Unallocated Gas Statement (AUGS) – logical approach Logic suggests that Users should have obligation to appoint an independent agent to become the AUGE Clarification of inputs from DNOs required i.e. data support, etc Identification of AUGS outputs to DNOs required together with invoicing instructions DNO support funded under User Pays

3 Modification Proposal 0229
If DNO responsible for AUGS, we would use xoserve xoserve develops AUGS based on expertise and information at hand. Reserves the right to use other sources Preparation of methodology based on ‘Reasonable Endeavours’ Sign off, revalidation process, triggers – need identification. User Pays Illogical and inefficient for DNOs to have obligation to appoint external agency. xoserve completely impartial in energy apportionment Unnecessary data ‘hand offs’ Potential for confusion of roles - data sourcing and interpretation (interface between xoserve and AUGE)

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