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Presentation on theme: "BDA READING TECHNIQUES"— Presentation transcript:

Katherine Henriquez Universidad de las Americas.

2 What are BDA´s? BDA´s are techniques used to activate what we already know. The meaning of BDA is: Before –During- After

3 How do I use them? Before: Here, we answer the following questions:
What do I know? What do I want to learn? What the text will be about? What does the title tells me?

4 Tips Write questions about the title.
Write what the pictures make you think about the text. Choose a word from the title and write the first thing that comes to your mine. Write a paragraph about what you think the text will be about.

5 During: Answers the following questions:
What do I think will happen next? Does this make sense? How…? What would happen if…? What have I learned so far? I am curious about…? Search for main and secondary ideas

6 Tips On the right side of your text write your thoughts about the text; on the left write the main ideas of the text. Highlight the main ideas of the text. Circle the words you do not know. Re-read the text. A text to be understood must be read at least 3 times.

7 After Answers the following questions: What did I learn?
What was the main idea? Why did the author write this? What do I still want to know? What is my opinion of?

8 Tips Tell your classmate what you understood.
Answer the questions you wrote Before starting to read. Write a summary about what you read. Search the meaning of the words you do not know. Check with your classmates if your main ideas were the same as theirs.

9 Activity 1 ° write what the pictures tell you about the text.

10 Read the text and apply the during techniques previously given.
Activity 2 Read the text and apply the during techniques previously given.

11 C Activity 3 Develop items: Vocabulary Words that go together Understanding the reading Remembering details. Making inferences.

12 Now, it shouldn’t be so hard to read.


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