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The establishment of an electronic Newsletter

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1 The establishment of an electronic Newsletter
Rait Toompere Baku, Open seminar

2 WHY NEWSLETTER Improves communication and common uderstanding among the stakeholders Connects into a single information platform all possible parties Collects information in a way, that all participants could have a voice in a Newsletter Informs what is in focus at the national and international level Informs about financing possibilities Identifies the main needs in HE

3 FIRST STEPS Preparatory work is decisive
Set owner and internal rules of editor(s) Your first subscribers are employees of your institution(s) Next round involves the partners you`ve already been working with Release web-page with newsletter sign-up form Place newsletter sign-up link on every relevant page of your website(s)

IN FOCUS Most important developments (national, international) NEWS From the MoE, universities, business sector,local authorities NATIONAL EDUCATION AND THE GLOBAL CONTEXT PUBLIC TENDERS AND CALL FOR PROPOSALS PUBLICATIONS CONFERENCES, SEMINARS

The best solution is to find local service provider Plan B is to find global service provider services-azerbaijan/ Use templates to make your newsletter attractive Do not send specific newsletters to everyone 

6 CREATE CONTENT Use good writers
Ceep promotional content under 20%. Other 80% is informational (researches, news, events) Same goes for photos-text balance Do not put whole articles in the newsletter. Use five to eight sentences and link to the original article. Keep it clear and simple! Track your subscribers behavior

7 SOME IDEAS Newsletter is perfect addition to cross-media campaign
Let your newsletter „expand“ to social media Good, well written summary of fresh research is quite sure way to get wanted attention

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