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The PLM Vision and Progress so far

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Presentation on theme: "The PLM Vision and Progress so far"— Presentation transcript:

1 The PLM Vision and Progress so far
Robin Nickless PLM Tech Lead

2 Product ???

3 Education to wider AWE community
Exploration of the systems directly engaged through Business and the wider Deterrent

4 Model Centric approach
AWE history for exploring new technology not embedding its use into day2day process Establishing an UNCLASSIFIED worked example for Generic training

5 Application Agnostic vision of the Product/Data Lifecycle

6 Where to start? Build on Model Based/ Model Centric D2M Data Lifecycle
Gateway Management – Stakeholder Engagement

7 The search for a case study
Hydrodynamics – a specific test cycle

8 Limit scope to ensure delivery
Focus on a specific 4 phase element of overall lifecycle Wider mapping exercise to address a need to revisit company processes as an integral part of modernisation Use of Hydro avoids need for an ARTIFICIAL PROJECT

9 5 Gates 4 Phase 4 year programme Training and engagement across 1500 engineers


11 D2M encompasses SE principles
Issues with awareness/education of SE flushed out during the D2M training sessions ( I Mactaggart establishing SE awareness training )

12 Complexity Systems of systems Nested programmes Structures

13 System of Systems? Complexity can disorientate users

14 MACE worked examples Demonstration of how the modern toolsets can help with different views of data UNCLASSIFIED to keep away from specific issues ROLE based training packages

15 Continual referencing to core principles
Continued extension of the MACE theme Reinforce improved visibility of structured data

16 Ability to extract dat aagainst specific process activity

17 Reinforcement of the Vee Model through structured data

18 Where have we got to Golden rules
Phased expansion from model/drawing control Funding Established for Enduring Programme Programme Established - PLM Team in place


20 Summary of progress at 16 May 2013

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