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Moon Phases Why do we see them, and is there a pattern? Teacher Notes

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1 Moon Phases Why do we see them, and is there a pattern? Teacher Notes
Lesson 36 Explore 1 Moon Phases Why do we see them, and is there a pattern? Teacher Notes Ask the students to turn to their shoulder partner and discuss the questions. Remind them of their discussion protocols. SCIE_3_A_Les36MoonPhases_MAT CFISD

2 Why do we see Moon Phases?
Lesson 36 Explore 1 Why do we see Moon Phases? Teacher Notes Click on the picture to go to the website. If the link does not work it is Look at the picture on the left. This is a view of Earth from the North Pole. Demonstrate by placing a globe on the floor and looking down at it. Put a piece of paper at Houston and make it face your paper Sun. What time of day is the person on Earth? Day time What part of the moon can the person see? Only the dark side. Look at the box on the right. What part of the moon can you see? None. It is all dark on the side facing Earth. Click Start Animation. You can pause it all various times to ask questions: How much of the moon can you see? Right now can we see more and more of the moon, or less and less? What happens after we can see the whole lighted side? (full moon) Why is this happening? The Moon is orbiting the Earth, and that causes us to see a different portion of its lighted half. Start the animation over. Point out the times shown under the moon phases box. How long will it take us to see all of the phases? Allow the students to discuss. Restart the animation. How long did it take us to see all of the phases? 29 days, about one month During that time, how many times did the moon orbit the Earth? Once So moon phases are caused by ___________________? The Moon orbiting the Earth. It takes how long for this and why? It takes one month to see all the moon phases because it takes the Moon about a month to orbit the Earth. SCIE_3_A_Les36MoonPhases_MAT CFISD

3 Is there a pattern to the Moon Phases?
Lesson 36 Explore 1 Is there a pattern to the Moon Phases? Teacher Notes 1. Click on the picture to go to the website. If the link does not work, go to Give each table group a set of moon phase cards. First, help students sequence the moon phase cards in order starting with the new moon. Talk about the patterns that they see (starts dark, light comes in on the right, is eventually all lit up, then becomes dark on the right) This is a sequencing activity that can be done whole group. During the activity, ask questions such as: What moon phase is missing here? They should hold up the card to show their answer. Why do you think this is the missing moon phase? We usually start a moon phase with this picture. (Show them a new moon), Does a month always begin with this phase? No. Go as far in the game as you have time for. This can also be a station activity later for students. There is an optional Student Link page for this. SCIE_3_A_Les36MoonPhases_MAT CFISD

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