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EAST LONDON DISTRICT Province of the Eastern Cape

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1 EAST LONDON DISTRICT Province of the Eastern Cape

2 Background Project started in May 1999 with 5 clinics
Co-ordinated by CDC and ATIC manager Project operated on a district budget with no additional funding or human resource. May 2000 number of clinics increased to 10 Assistance received from the EQUITY Project to co-ordinate and manage project. October 2000 to date number of clinics increased to 15

3 Background 3 clinics are located in the rural area, 3 in informal settlements and 9 in urban area. Total population served by the selected clinics – All clinics offer comprehensive primary health care services

4 Aims of TB/HIV Pilot Project
To provide an entry point for identification and care of HIV/AIDS clients To improve active TB case finding and management of STIs including HIV at the district level To integrate VCT services into the PHC package

5 Cumulative TB Screening among HIV Positive Clients

6 Compliance to INH Compliance rate to INH is 40%
This low compliance rate is due to several reasons: Once clients start INH they are seen by other nurses in the clinic for follow-up and clinic charts are not complete Not all clinics are giving INH therefore clients referred in for therapy do not always return for their treatment Some clients return to the home (Transkei) when they begin to feel ill.

7 East London District No. Counseled 1232 1921 1870 1652
Q4/01 Q1/02 Q2/02 Q3/02 No. Counseled 1232 1921 1870 1652 No. Tested for HIV 1189 1534 1740 1586 No. Tested HIV Positive 407 519 595 513 N0. Screened for TB 256 421 382 413 No. Screened & diagnosed with TB 50 35 16 43 No. Eligible for INH 306 386 371 346 No. Started INH 230 334 247 No. Started Cotrimoxazole 135 224 169 212

8 Testing among ANC clients in East London District

9 Positivity Rate of antenatal clients at all 3 sites (Aug 2001 - July 2002)

10 Testing Rate among ANC clients in East London District

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